Chapter 17: Day 8

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The never-ending Day 8

"Oh my god?", Changkyun hears Nalya screaming excitedly as they enter the function room of the uni. "Girls! You outdid yourselves. This looks amazing!"

Even Changkyun must admit that she's right. There's nothing left of that boring, cold room. Everything sparks and shines like they just entered another universe.

They're the first ones. Only the DJ and waiters are here yet, but Changkyun saw this coming since they're here with the organizers.

"You guys like it?", Maggs ask insecure.

"It really looks fantastic, baby!", Wonho kisses her softly.

"We really worked our asses off for this!", Alicia looks around too. "But it was worth it!"

"Ladies and Gents!", Ari shouts and walks into the middle of the dance floor. Maggs and Alicia follow her. The others of the dorm and their dates become quiet and look at them proudly.

"Welcome to the night under the stars!", Ari says, and the entire group cheers and applauds them.

The girls bow thankfully and walk back to their dates.

"Wanna grab a drink?", Jess asks, and Changkyun flinches a bit, didn't see her standing here. He nods and they walk over to the bar.

"This really looks incredible...", Jess says while looking around. "They even decorated the ceiling. Look!"

He looks up. It looks like the enchanted ceiling of the great hall at Hogwarts. Thousands of stars sparkle up there.

"Wow...", Changkyun breathes before he grabs the drinks and passes Jess one of them.

He looks around. Nalya was right. Their dorm really is the party. With all the guys having dates, they're already 28 people filling the room. Everyone laughs and has fun, obviously already tipsy from the pre-drinks at their dorm. Changkyun isn't really enjoying himself. Again he feels this emptiness inside of him. He wants this night to be over as soon as possible so he can leave with Jess and do what he can do best.

"I'll go over to my friends. Wanna come with me?", Jess looks at him smiling. Changkyun shakes his head.

"Go... I'll just ... sit over there, try to get into all of this!", he chuckles and Jess nods before kissing him softly.

"Can't wait for tonight!", she bites his lip tenderly before breaking the kiss and walking over to her Cheerleader-friends.

Changkyun turns around a chair, sits down facing the entire room, sips his drink, and stares into the emptiness. Even though he hates dances, he always made the best of it. Drank with his friends, had fun. But now...? He's not in the mood for anything. Even Jess' teasing leaves him cold. What the hell is wrong with him?

The room fills quickly. Changkyun still sits on his chair, watches the new arrivals look around stunned and his friends having a good time.

"Okay!", he hears a voice sighing and someone falls next to him on the chair. He doesn't even have to look up. He smells cotton candy. "What the hell is wrong with you, Kyun?"

Quickly he looks at Nalya. "Uhm.. nothing?"

"Is this how you spend your dances? Sitting around alone and drinking?"

While staring into the emptiness he takes another sip. "Most of them..."

"Hey!", again he feels her hand under his chin, forces him to look at her. "Are you mad at me or something? Did I do or say something wrong? You're acting weird... and I don't like this. I thought we could have a good time..."

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