Chapter 4: Day 2

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Day 2

Maggs walks fully dressed back into the kitchen and slaps Jackson just like Nalya did it 30 minutes ago. "Took me forever to calm her down, you idiot!"

Jackson holds his arms protective in front of his face and whines. "I'm sorry. I know. I know I fucked it up! I'll make it up to her."

"When?" Maggs looks at him furiously.

"WHEN JACKS?" Alicia throws in.

He whimpers. "T-tonight. I promise!"

Alicia looks at him in disbelief. "No, Jacks. Now!"

"B... but fo— OUCH!" he couldn't even end the sentence as Maggs grabs him by his hair and pulls his head back to face her. "Don't you dare to say 'football' now!"

"Fine!" he murmurs, and she lets go of him. He stands up and looks at Jaebum. "Don't you dare to date Nalya, bro! There's already enough stress with Maggs and Alicia 24/7 in this house!"

He looks at Wonho and Bam annoyed before he walks out.

"Yeah, Jaebum. Don't you dare to torture that poor Jackson even more by bringing another hawk into this house who monitors him!", Alicia yells her last words to make sure Jackson hears them. 

Even though these girls only met because their boyfriends are dorm mates they're quite protective when it comes to one another. Neither of Wonho, Bam or Jacks can take a single step without their girlfriends know about it. Like a little alliance against this wolf pack.

Changkyun looks over to Nalya. She's so busy preparing the food she didn't even twitch after Jackson's words.

He wonders why. She didn't defend herself, that she'd never date him or something. And she didn't blush or giggle at the thought of it. Her face didn't change a single second like she doesn't care at all.

Maggs checks her phone and sighs before she looks at Alicia. "Get dressed girl. We have to go..."

"What? Now?" Alicia shrieks and looks at her shocked.

"Um, yes?" the blonde one answers,  grabs her bag and a huge folder from the table Changkyun notices just now.

What the?

"Homecoming next week?" she points at the folder. "We'll meet Ari, have to make the final preparations for the parade?"

"But the games?!" Alicia whines and stands up.

"Oh god. Next week already?" these were Nalya's first words in minutes.

"Yeah, next week...," Maggs confirms and shoos Alicia upstairs after she kissed Bam tenderly. "And we will finish it before the third quarter starts when you hurry now!" she yells behind her before she turns to Nalya again. She's just about to say something as Wonho leans back smirking.

"You also know what else is next week?"

"Yaaaaaas!" Bam squeals exited. "Yosemite!" he dances while eating his breakfast.

Minhyuk groans. "This stupid team-building. Why the hell did I sign up for that?"

"Because it's fun!" Jooheon throws in. "Bonfires, food, and alcohol... yes it's the same thing every year but we always have fun there..."

Changkyun nods. "But I'm not going into that lake again. Almost died last time!"

He'll never forget how fucking cold this water was. You don't expect it from the outside since it's always pretty warm in the daytime. Well... he kinda underestimated the temperature.
But apart from that, he loves the annual rides to Lake Tahoe. Like Jooheon says it's always fun. And there's only a group of around 70 students coming. So they have the chance to get to know each other better apart from dorms and lectures.

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