Chapter 27: Days 6 and 7

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Day 6

"...Don't forget to give this to her when you think the time is ready, okay?", Kyun passes Bam a paper roll. "And you!", he points at Alicia chuckling. "You keep yourself away from him while she's with him, got it?"

At day six during their bet Nalya and he had this date. And the closest he could think of was granting her some time with her best friend. Even though he must admit he's still a little jealous of him. Cause Bam always seems to understand her better than Kyun does...

But these days are not for him. They're for her. He wants to make her happy. And a food-and-gaming date with her best friend kinda feels perfect.

"Okay, I really have to say this now! Cause I'm done taking the blame!", Alicia says, annoyed. "So many times I told Bam to meet her! That she misses him. I'm the last one that put herself between them! But to this stupid guy ...", she lays her hands on Bam's shoulder and kisses his cheek softly. " was more important than his best—!"

"Au contraire ma cherry!", he interrupts and looks at her before kissing her lips softly. "No, no. It wasn't the sex! It was my love for you! But ...", he tilts his head and looks at Changkyun. "She's right. It was an ass...!"

They laugh and Bam raises his hand. "But I won't touch my phone and won't lose a single word about Alicia while she's here! I promise!"

Kyun clicks his tongue. "Of course you can talk about her. You guys are finally dating! Bet Nalya wants to hear everything... just try not to tell her about your sexlife again!"

Alicia and Bam chuckle before he looks at her, smiling.

"Can you live without me for one day?"

"Uhm yes!", Alicia says immediately. "Finally some me-time!"

Laughing she kisses her sulking boyfriend. "But I'll miss you!"

"Okay..", Kyun thinks about if he forgot something. "Then it's settled..."

Bam nods.  "Want me to tell you when I give this to her... this...", he looks at the paper roll in his hand "... what is that?"

"It's a signed Arctic Monkeys - poster..."

The slender guy raises his eyebrow. "Like the one you have in your room?"

"Yeah it ...", Kyun scratches his head. "It is that one from my room..."

A lot of memories with her are somehow connected to this band. The date they had as she saw this poster for the first time. The bus ride to the Lake Tahoe when they listened to it together. The song she made the DJ play simply because she knew it made him happy...

"Bro...", Bam squeals. "You can't give her your signed poster! You fought so hard for this and you were so happy when you got it!"

For hours he stood in the pouring rain fought with the security and hated his life so damn much to get those autographs. He really was addicted to this band for quite some time. Good memories actually. But somehow all of this barely matters anymore...

"I know ... ", Kyun replies shyly. "...but ... I want her to have it..."

"Naaaw this is so cute!", Alicia squeals.

Changkyun feels a bit uncomfortable with all this. So he scratches his head again. "Okay so are we done here?"

"Wait for a second...", Bam says and looks at Alicia. "Baby would you ...?"

"Sure!", she kisses his cheek tenderly and walks out of the room.

"I ... I wanna apologize...", Bam gulps. "I mean... I think you already know that I've changed my mind about you and Nalya when I heard your story and ... saw you realize your love for her but I wanna speak it out. I was a terrible friend to her. I should've noticed. Her love for you and all this but I was... I —"

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