Chapter 26: Days 4 and 5

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Day 4

With the clock hitting midnight, Kyun opens his eyes and stares at his phone. A reminder lights up. A reminder he set so he won't forget the hardest day of Nalya's life. 

Ryan's day of death.

He had many plans with her today, wanted to distract her, or give her the chance to grief according to what she'd rather do.

Not a single moment in the past days went by without him thinking of her. But now, for the first time, he doesn't think about how he fucked it up or how he could make this right again. He thinks about how she feels now, on this day.

The urge to write her, make her know that he thinks about her is bigger than ever. For hours he lays awake and stares at the ceiling. Every once in a while he takes his phone and tries to text her. But he can't. Not only because of his stupid rule but also because he has no idea what to write.

Around four, after he fell asleep and woke up about a hundred times, he figures it won't make sense anymore to lay here. He needs air. And a walk. So he puts some clothes on, smiles as he slips into his Chucks even though he can't even see the paint, silently tiptoes out of the house, and walks around the campus for a while.

When he walks by the giant oak he sees a silhouette sitting in the grass. Changkyun is not surprised. Not even a bit. 'Cause he knew deep down that she'd be here. He figures that's why he took the walk in the first place. He doesn't even think a second about turning around. How nasty would it be to let the girl he loves sitting here alone on this day.

Carefully he walks closer to not scare her and slips next to her into the grass. Even though she has her face buried in her hands on her pulled up legs while she cries muffled, she immediately leans against him and he doesn't hesitate a second to wrap her arms around her tightly.

Overwhelmed by the situation that he knew exactly that she'd be here and she also knew he'd come he looks down at her. He never thought he'd ever had a connection like this with someone.

"It's okay, princess...", he whispers, cradles her and caresses her back while she still sobs quietly and clinging on his body. "I'm here..."

They sit like this for an eternity. Kyun doesn't think about things he could say, neither he wants to talk about everything that has happened. Right now all that matters is him being there for her. Carefully he buries his face in her hair, takes a deep breath of her scent. Gosh, he missed having her so damn close. And he hates seeing her in this state but he knows that she needs this. Even if she's not mourning any more in general. She owes Ryan to think about him on this day. Even though it seems to hurt like hell.

The longer they sit together the more her sobbing dies down. Hesitantly she puts her legs over his and leans against his chest. Gently, he pulls her long hair from her face.

With bloodshot eyes, she looks up to him eventually. His heart skips a giant beat and he smiles softly at her.

"You disobey your own rule...", she smiles weakly at him

He scoffs. "Yeah. My plan worked out better in my head ..." 

They both chuckle before staying quiet for a few more moments.

"Thank you for being here...", she breathes and closes her eyes as he carefully dries her tears with his hands.

Immediately he shakes his head.

"Don't thank me for anything, princess...", he whispers, knowing that he can consider himself lucky to be this close to her at all, after everything he has fucked up.

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