Chapter 13: Day 7

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Yup... still Day 7

Nalya immediately jumps into the shower while Kyun uses the time to bring Maggs' stuff over into Wonhos room, showering as well and putting his clothes back on before he brings his stuff into hers.

"Changkyun?", he hears Nalya sobbing as he enters the room again. Immediately his heart beats like crazy.

"Yes?", he walks over to the bathroom door but leaves it closed. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

He hears her sobbing from inside. "I-I'm not sure..."

He can feel the upcoming panic in his guts. "Princess, talk to me! What's wrong?"

Again she needs an eternity to answer.

"I don't know ... M-my legs are shaking. And I feel dizzy and my head aches and ... I can't stand up..."

"O-Okay princess", he says without hesitation. "I'm coming in, yeah?"

For a few more seconds, it's quiet.

"Okay...", she finally says in a low, shaky voice.

Carefully he opens the door, sees Nalya sitting in the middle of the shower, her legs pulled up to her body, and her arms wrapped around them while the steaming hot water platters down on her.

Immediately he covers his eyes even though Nalya sits so skilled that there's absolutely nothing to be seen.

"I'm sorry ...", she cries silently. "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable..."

"Don't apologize!", he says quickly. "I'm not feeling uncomfortable I'm just trying not to look at you.."

He chuckles, walks as carefully as possible over to her, and turns off the water.

The sudden silence makes Nalya's sobbing even louder. He can't take this any longer and he really doesn't care if he's about to see something he shouldn't. He's so worried he even doesn't have the time to think of her being naked.

So he crouches down to her and lifts her head by her chin before he strokes the wet hair from her face.

Totally wasted Nalya looks at him, her body shakes and her lips chitter.

"You look terrible!"

Just like this afternoon at the county fair, he lays his hands around her cheeks as dries her tears with his thumbs. He has no idea what's wrong with her.

"Okay, I'm gonna get the bathrobe and you have to put it on, alright? You have to make this on your own, you think you can do that?"

She nods hesitantly and he stands up, gets the bathrobe, and gives it to her. She takes it with one hand while the other one covers her nudity.

"You can do this!", he encourages her and looks at her shaking body before he turns around again. "Tell me when you're done..."

"I am...", she whispers after a few moments and he turns around, immediately crouches down to her again.

Her body is still shaking, her lips are blue and she has trouble keeping her eyes open. Carefully he takes her long soaking hair and wrings it out before he pulls the hood over her head.

"Is it the alcohol?", he asks and caresses her cheek again.

Strongly she shakes her head. "No. I drank one cup. I don't know what it is..."

"Maybe you're having a cold or something. Come on!"

He lays one hand under her legs and lifts her after she laid her arms around his shoulders. She sobs into his neck while her entire body shakes.

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