Chapter 21: Day 9

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Day 9

The little rays of sunshine falling through the blinds into Changkyuns face, make him wrinkle his nose. He groans in his sleep before turning around. His eyes shoot open as he feels his hand touching someone. He needs a few moments to realize who's laying there and a beaming smile appears on his face.

This is the first time he slept with a girl with no kind of bad feelings in the morning. No urge to get rid of her or to sneak away. And this is also the first time ever he shared his bed with a girl. And Nalya looks amazing in it. Her long hair is basically everywhere, cover her face and half of the pillow while she sleeps on her stomach, presenting him her back.

Carefully he crawls closer to her, lets his fingertips glide over her naked skin. He sees a little mole right in the middle of her spine and a roundish scar that looks like it's a leftover from her chickenpox right above it. Apart from that her back is flawless. His eyes wander up to her face. Only her nose and lips are visible, the rest gets covered by her hair.

How he'd love to wake her up now and repeat last night. But she looks so peaceful, and he doesn't want to destroy anything by doing the wrong thing.

His lips carefully kiss her back before crawling a little closer, wrapping his arm around her body and nuzzling into her neck. She smells so fucking good and the way she lays here, breathing so calmly, makes this moment just perfect.

For a few moments, he stays like this until he places a small brief kiss on her shoulder, gets up carefully, puts on a shirt, and tiptoes downstairs.

He has no idea what time it is, but he can hear a few voices from downstairs and ... yes! He smells pancakes.

Casually he walks into the kitchen.

"Morning!", he says, looks at Mark and holds two fingers up to signalize him, he needs two portions this time.

Mark nods and gets a tray, places it on the counter, puts two plates on them, and goes back to the stove to flip the pancakes.

"No way!", Jooheon smirks. "Looks like Jess was good when she could stay overnight and even gets breakfast!"

Changkyun just smirks at his best friend, leaves it uncommented.

"Bro ... ", Jackson says and looks at him worried. "Your eye looks... bad..."

Oh. Right. He totally forgot about that punch. His finger glides over the band-aid on his brow.

"It's okay!", he says quickly. "Doesn't hurt anymore!"

"I want you guys to clarify that!", Kihyun throws in. "We live under the same roof... I'm in no mood for shit like that!"

Changkyun nods. He's right.

"I will apologize to him ... uhm later...", he smiles inwardly, definitely doesn't keep Nalya waiting to talk to Jaebum.

"What? Why you?", Wonho asks, confused. "He's the one that punched you?"

Changkyun shrugs. "Yeah, because I flirted a bit too much with Nalya..."

And he provoked him. Big time. As he said to Nalya yesterday, he really expected it sooner. Somehow he even feels the need to thank him. Cause if he hadn't punched him, he's not sure if any of this last night would've had happened.

"No need to punch you!", Jooheon munches.

Suddenly the guys discuss when and under which circumstances it'd be okay for someone to punch someone else.

"You can consider yourself lucky, neither I nor Kate punched you after kissing Alicia last night!", Bam smirks.

"I did this for you, bro!", Jooheon throws a slice of cucumber at him and the boys laugh. "And Kate and I are just friends. So..."

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