Chapter 20: Day 8 ✨🔞

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After a few minutes of pure pleasure, Nalya's breath becomes heavier. He feels her walls clenching around his dick, her moans grow louder.

"Wanna come?", he smirks panting.

She holds her breath and nods.

"Please...", she presses out moaning and wraps her arms around him tighter.

Changkyun hears her whispering his name, full of lust and pleasure and he feels his hackles rise of arousal. Never before he heard someone saying his name like that. It's so fucking hot.

"Don't stop...", she wails, and he keeps up his steady thrusts, buries his face in her neck bow, kisses it tenderly before he sucks and bites her skin.

One of his hands finds her boob. He teases her nipple while she seems to lose her mind completely.

"I'm- Kyun ... don't stop .... I'm c— FUCK...", she whines, moans loudly into his ear, and arches her back as she reaches her climax.

Gasping, she digs her nails into his back, leaves scratchers that pulsate pleasantly. He keeps on thrusting into her, watches her expression. Never in his life, he needed so damn much self-control as in this exact moment while helping her through her climax.

Holy. Shit.

Nalya is so beautiful when she comes. Little tears running down her temples and her body quivers. He slows down a bit, let her enjoy this high before he fully stops, so stunned by her beauty. Tenderly he kisses her face while she gasps and pants, tries to come down.

"You're crying...", he says worried and kisses away the little tears.

"Don't worry!", she gasps and chuckles. "I'm sure these are happy tears! I never came like this before!", she wheezes out of breath and leans her head back. "It was a little overwhelming!"

"What do you mean by you never came like this before?", he asks, while kissing her chin, jaw, and neck.

"During sex!"

His head shoots up, and he looks at her in shock. "What?"

"Yes....and that was amazing my god!", laughing she grabs his cheeks and kisses him wildly.

They break the kiss, and he looks at her with an open mouth. Yes. He still has a big ego. And yes. That he was the first one that made her come like this, makes him proud. So damn proud.

"B-but... how? I mean I thought you—"

"Yes! I came before!", she interrupts him chuckling. "But just not by a dick... so thank you!"

Changkyun laughs. "You're very welcome, babe!"

Again their lips meet and he really really wants to give her time to rest but ... as if he could stop now. Slowly he moves inside her again, still observing her face. Her eyes roll with pleasure and she moans softly once again. Gosh, he's fucked up horny, and he wants more of her. More intensive. More...

Smirking, he stops moving and looks at her. "Want it rough and wild, babygirl?"

She immediately gets the hint and her eyes lighten up excited. "YAS!"

Quickly he pulls himself out of her and she instantly turns around, stands on her fours, and shakes her ass teasingly. The mere sight of her makes him lose it all. Growling, he smacks her ass, makes her throw her head back moaning.

Hungry, he wraps her long hair around his hand, pulls them, and grabs her hip before leaning closer to her and biting her neck while slowly entering her again. Their moans fill the air as he thrusts into her, rough and wild.

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