Chapter 10: Day 7

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Day 7

Just as promised Changkyun picks up Jooheon the next day and drives him to their dorm. He whines the entire time and Changkyun has a hard time being compassionate when it's his own fucking fault. Mark was right. He said it a billion times not to play ball in that house. Not because he cared so much about it but he always said that falling on that hard marble floor will end badly. And here they are.

Jooheon is always up, always busy so it's pretty hard to convince him that he needs to rest. He acts like a baby. Like a giant, bumbling, teary baby.

This leads to the fact that Changkyun made it last minute to the bus. Mr. Andrews, one of the tutors that lead the excursion, waves impatiently at him.

"Sorry!", he mumbles and enters the bus.

Kyun hates coming late. He hates being the center of attention. Quickly, he walks down the aisle, sees Ari next to Jackson, Maggs, and Wonho on the other side next to them, and Alicia and Bam two rows behind them with all the other dorks and... Nalya...?

He turns around confused, did he miss her?

Maggs clears her throat and whispers. "She's there!", with a big smile she points behind her.

Changkyun follows her nod and sees Nalya laying on both seats, legs up, music in her ears, and the hood of her giant hoody pulled into her face. Changkyun can't help but grin at the sight of her. When there's one thing he learned it's that she's definitely not a morning person.

"Been a long night, huh?", Ari asks compassionately. "At the hospital?"

Changkyun nods. "Yeah...kind of..."

The brunette looks over to the sleeping Nalya. "She's been grumpy the entire morning. Be gentle with her!"

She smirks and leans her back against the window while Jackson caresses her thighs.

"Yeah... she was unbearable!", he chuckles. "Have fun with her!"

Jackson and Wonho laugh while Kyun rolls his eyes.

"But she saved you a seat...", Maggs smirks and Changkyun nods thankfully at her.

"Careful.. she might bite!", says Wonho and the boys laugh again and get slapped playfully almost at the same time by their girlfriends.

Changkyun chuckles before he walks over to Nalya while the bus slowly rolls off the campus. He stuffs his bag under the seats and looks at her irresolutely. He really doesn't wanna wake her up. Not only because she looks so cute and peaceful but also because he's scared she really might whoop his ass.

Carefully he leans closer, pokes her cheek tenderly before he pulls out one of her headphones. She seems to sleep tightly cause she doesn't move an inch. He puts his knees on the seat between her legs and looks at her ... how to wake her up without making her grumpy?

Again he leans closer, softly caressing her cheek. He's not doing this only to wake her up. More for himself. Because since yesterday... this urge to be close to her is ... insane.

She takes a deep breath and a smile appears on her face. Still, she doesn't move. Okay. So why waking her up? Carefully he takes her legs, lifts them, sits down, and places them on his while closely watching her.

After he leaned back he sighs a little. How he'd love to hug her now, make her sleep on his chest, smell her and enjoy the way she calms him.

Suddenly she slowly opens her eyes. Gosh, she looks too cute. Changkyun chuckles.
For a long moment, she looks at him before she seems to realize what happens.

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