Chapter 22: Day 9

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Day 9

Never in his life, Changkyun realized more that he fucked up than at this exact moment. It pains him when he thinks about the look upon her face... he could literally see her heart breaking. And he never wanted this. He wanted none of this to happen. He was so selfish, wanted to fall in love at all costs and ignored the hints... every hint she was already in love with him ... or thought she was. Cause he stays at his opinion. She's not in love. She just loves the idea of it. The idea of them. Together. The idea of making him, an obviously hopeless case, falling in love with her...

Jooheon pushes him on the chair, walks over to the fridge, and places a few bottles of beer on the table while the other guys sit down without losing a word.

"What is he doing here?", Changkyun crosses his arms and nods over to Bam who returns the gaze annoyed.

"Giving him the chance to hear your side of the story", Jooheon says casually while opening the bottles and slides them to the guys. "I'm afraid if he hears it around corners, he gets it wrong and presses a pillow on your face at night while you're asleep..."

Wonho, Jacks, and Jooheon laugh but Bam looks at Changkyun as if he'd really consider it.

They remain silent for a few moments. Changkyun doesn't touch his beer. He is in no mood to drink right now ...

"So!", Jooheon says eventually. "You guys had sex, huh? I'm curious!", he laughs. "Was the daydreaming the past months worth it?"

Kyun bites his lip to hold back that stupid smile on his face. He nods and looks at his best friend.

"Yes...", he says quietly  "... it was ... probably the best sex I've ever had ... ", he shakes his head, still can't believe this happened, stares at his hands in his lap, and smiles to himself.

"Uhm... Kyun?", Wonho laughs and he raises his head.


Wonho shakes his head laughing. "Oh. Nothing..."

Jooheon sighs. "Congrats... So ... what happened?"

Changkyun bites his tongue and looks at his friends for a moment before shaking his head. "I... I fucked up..."

"How?", Bam wants to know.

Again Changkyun sighs and starts to tell them how they were about to make out. How hard he missed her and wanted to go on where they left off. He tells them about the essay-reminder and how it slowly started to escalate. But then he stops as he realizes that none of the boys know about the story with this won't make much sense to them.

"Uhm ... guys...what I'm about to tell you... has to stay between us...", as the boys nod he keeps on talking. "Nalya had this ... this boyfriend back in her old college..."

Bam nods. "That car-accident-guy..."

Changkyuns head shoots over to him. How does he know? Nalya said he doesn't?

"His name was Ryan!", Wonho says a little annoyed and Kyun looks at him as well.

"How the hell do you know about this?", his gaze wanders to Jackson. "You too?"

Jackson nods guilty and he looks to his best friend. "Jooheon?"

"Uhm ....", Bam stammers before he could answer. "I might have told him drunk a few weeks ago when Alicia told me about this... I felt bad for her and I ... I hated it that she never told me about that... I mean we're best friends right?"

"So Alicia told you?", Changkyun reasons.

"Not directly..", Bam speaks in a low voice. "She thought I'd know..."

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