Chapter 3: Day 2

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Day 2

Changkyun didn't sleep much last night. Not because he was home late, or he cared too much about Nalya. No. It was the whole situation. He never thought saying yes to this bet would cause this restlessness.

One highlight on weekends - especially hangover as fuck - is Mark's amazing pancakes. They lead him into the kitchen every Saturday morning ... even half dead.

"Morning!" he yawns and sits at the giant table.

"Good Morning!" Wonho looks like he got his solid 12 hours of sleep. His showing veins prove that he even went to the gym already. Maggs, on the other side, looks exactly like what they did the entire night: fucked.
Her hair is messy and the make-up leftovers from last night are still visible. Still, she looks cute as fuck. The guys all agree about this. Many of them wish more girls who show up randomly in this kitchen would look this cute in the morning.

Mark places a giant portion of pancakes in front of Changkyun. He looks up to him with a beaming smile. "You're an angel!"

"I know!" Mark laughs and puts two more dishes in front of Jinyoung and Minhyuk who seemed to arrive just minutes ago too. Kihyun walks around the kitchen like a chicken and helps Mark while the others are pretty busy eating.

"I'm kinda amazed you didn't take advantage of Nalya's drunken state last night and bring her here!" Jaebum's voice suddenly snarls over the table to him.

"Wha-?" Maggs seems to be awake now. "What happened?" her gaze rotates between the two boys and Wonho.

Changkyun chuckles inwardly. He was already waiting for a comment like this.
"I would've," he says casually while shoving the pancakes in his mouth. "But she threw up, so I figured it'd be stupid to fuck her!"

As Jaebum looks at him disgusted he returns the gaze annoyed and scoffs. "Gosh bro, you should know me better than that."

"What the hell happened?" Maggs insists to know louder. "Where is she?"

"Chill, girl!" he smacks. "She's home. I brought her there!" he looks at Jaebum. "And I didn't touch her, for god's sake!"

"So you took care of her?" Wonho tilts his head. Changkyun nods without looking at him.

"Never thought about this could be part of her plan?" Minhyuk throws in. "Making you fall in love with her, I mean?"

Jackson and Jooheon laugh out loud. "What a diabolic plan when even the puking was planned," laughs the last one and looks at Changkyun. "When she goes this far, she really wants you, bro!"

"Shut up!" Maggs slaps Jacks' shoulder playful. "She has absolutely no crush on Kyun. She just wants to help. But she still has no idea how. And she's by far not that sleekly to come up with something this complex..."

"Gosh, guys!" Changkyun sighs. "I don't care if it was part of the plan or not. Didn't think that far. She's home. She's safe, and that's all that matters. Feel bad for her, to be honest. Bet she has the hell of a hangover and that'll make her lose an entire day for that bet now...," he chuckles "Too bad. Now she really has to write my essay..."

"You're really enjoying this, aren't you?" Jaebum asks him, annoyed.

"Uh... a hot girl pampers my ass and writes an essay for me? No, that's torture, Jaebum!" he throws in sarcastically. "Stop judging me and don't pretend you wouldn't enjoy this too, for fuck's sake!"
He shakes his head before he sighs. "We have to go grocery shopping, I guess. I don't think she'll show up today. She was so wasted."

"Help!" minutes later, Nalya's voice echoes through the giant entrance hall.

"Wow. Guess you were wrong!" Mark laughs before Jooheon, Jacks, and Changkyun jump up and run over to the door.

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