Chapter 15: Day 8

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Hey Babes,
Could it be that the last chapters were a little too long? Lost a lot of readers with each new chapter, so I decided to split the next ones. Now they're shorter. Hope it kinda helps you to not lose interest in this book.

Love ya'll so much!

<3 <3 <3


Day 8

Changkyun feels himself smiling as he spots Nalya in front of the Sports field with her girls, waving at him and Jooheon. His best friend is still in a bad mood cause this is the first time in a looooong time he watches a game as a visitor. Smirking, Kyun hugs Nalya and it feels like an eternity since they separated at the bus.

"Where are the others?", he asks after he greeted the girls.

"Already on the stands", Maggs explains. "Since only us own the privilege to watch from the sideline, they thought it'd be stupid to wait..."

Alicia looks around and waves at Jess and the other cheerleader. 

"I gotta go!", she says. "See you guys at the match!"

With these words, she runs over to the others and they walk on the field.

"Ready?", Kyun asks Nalya, who nods immediately. As if it'd be a matter of course, he takes her hand and they walk with Jooheon, Maggs, and Ari to the entry. 

Just as predicted by Jooheon, the homecoming game is ... well everything but good. 

Mason is a miserable quarterback. The friends at the sideline try everything to shout encouragement words at their team but ... it's not really working. Changkyun is so amused by the fact how into it Nalya is that he doesn't care much about the game itself. She keeps yelling at the boys, mostly repeats Jooheon who's not able to shout this loud. As East Indiana make the draw, Jooheon and Nalya escalate completely.

"That was brutal!", Nalya sighs and looks at Jooheon. "Since when is the defense so insanely weak?!"

The quarterback shrugs. "I just stop wondering...."

The next drive by their team starts just as poorly as their defense just played.


"This team is a disaster. My god!", Jooheon bitches and shakes his head in disbelief.

Suddenly, at their third-down Jacks obviously decides to ignore Mason, takes Nalya's advice, and use the gap in the rival's defense to create enough space for Wonho to make an incredible touchdown.

"THAT'S OUR MEN!", Ari shouts and high-fives Maggs before they hug each other exited.

"Wow! Impressive!", Nalya claps her hands happy.

Jooheon smirks. "My boys... I'm so proud."

But happiness doesn't last long. East Indiana challenges the play and the refs set it under review. After some time the refs announce that the challenge is overturned. There was a pass-interference by the offense so the touchdown doesn't count.

"WHAT?", Changkyun yells.


All of the friends bust into hysterical laughter. Nalya even manages it to yell louder than their coach. This is also recognized by the refs. The main ref comes over to them.

"On the stands!", he says and points behind them.

Bewildered, Nalya looks at him. "What?"

"On the fucking stands!", the ref repeats and looks at her. "You're banned!"

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