Chapter 28: Day 8

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Day 8

"Oh, gosh... that is a big ass Ferris wheel", Jooheon stands next to Changkyun on a big lawn in the woods, about 30 minutes away from their campus.

"Jap...", Kyun smirks proudly and Jooheon looks at him.

Actually, this Ferris wheel is barely 30 feet tall, so it's tiny compared to that one they rode on in Yosemite. A Ferris wheel looks kinda creepy with all the lights off, not moving. But it's better this way or else she'd spot it immediately. Even though the trees.
Kyun gets more and more nervous every minute. It's already dark. And she will be here soon.

"You bought a fucking Ferris wheel?"

"Don't be stupid!", Kyun scoffs. "I didn't buy it.. I rented it!"

"But ...", Jooheon's is still confused as fuck. "You're both afraid of heights!"

"That's only ...", Kyun sighs. "It's more like a metaphor, you know?"

"Then you could've bought her a necklace with a Ferris wheel charm, not an actual Ferris wheel!"

"I rented it!"

"You're exaggerating..."

"No.. ", he shakes his head. "This .. is perfect..."

Okay, he must admit renting a Ferris wheel and preparing all this for the big surprise is indeed a bit much. But this Ferris wheel ... and the meaning behind it is so important. They rode on that thing after he thought she was lost and felt this overwhelming stabbing pain in his chest he never felt before.

And by going on that thing with him even though she's afraid of heights proofed something. It proofed that she puts him first. Always. He still doesn't like it, wants her to focus on herself. But he finally gets it. Because for weeks now... she's his first priority as well. Her wellbeing, her happiness. That's all that matters to him. And it doesn't even feel like he'd give up himself. It happens so naturally. Naturally, like everything when it comes to her.

And she was right. Some things in life are more important than fears...

"Maybe it is...", Jooheon shakes his head. "but it's Nalya we're talking about. This girl is so humble. And she waited six damn months for you... she would've waited another year and still be addicted to you without you buying her a fucking Ferris wheel..."

"I rented it!", he clarifies again.

And again, yes. Jooheon is right. Just like he was right on day one. She doesn't need all this. But, and that's the point, she deserves all this. All this and more.

His best friend growls and shoves him lightly. "You know how I mean that!"

They both chuckle. Kyun is really sick of explaining himself over and over again .... it's fucking love. And if it would be so easy to explain love, one of his friends would've explained it when he asked for it as he had to write this stupid essay.

"Never thought you're capable of something like this...", Jooheon smirks.

Kyun chuckles. "Believe me. Me neither... I trust you to turn on the electricity in time. You have to find the right moment somehow. You think you can do this?"

"Easy!", his friend replies smirking.

Both of them stay like this for a while and look up to that Ferris wheel, talk about the past days until they get interrupted by voices approaching. They turn around and see their friends coming up to them.

"Finally!", Kyun sighs.

"Holy shit!", Maggs rips her eyes open and Ari looks at Kyun as if he totally lost his mind.

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