Chapter 18: Day 8

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Day - why the hell is this day so fucking long - 8

Apparently, all Changkyun had to do to have some fun is getting his ass up from that chair and joining his friends. They spent most of the time on the dance floor, acting like the dorks they are. After a while, he figures it would be polite to take care of his date a bit. He gets two drinks and walks over to Jess who stands with her friends at the side of the dance floor.

"Here!", he smiles and gives one drink to her.

"Oh thanks!", she returns the smile and takes a sip.

"Sorry for ...", Changkyun smirks "... not being exactly the best date tonight..."

Jess immediately shakes her head. "It's fine. Seriously. We both just chose each other cause we get along right? No need to bother!"

Changkyun is surprised by her serenity. She has every right to be mad at him. But she's not... why?

"It's because of her, isn't it?", she asks suddenly and his head shoots over to her.

"Because of who?"

She clicks her tongue. "Nalya, of course. I've seen you guys quite often together in the past days. You like her, don't you?"

Changkyun is not sure if Jess is really interested in this or if she rips him into shreds if he's honest.

"Uhm ...", he takes a sip. "Yeah. She's cool. I like hanging out with her..."

Laughing she looks at him. "Hanging out...?"

"Yeah... ", Changkyun has no idea what this is all about. Maybe she wants the assurance that he's going home with her tonight, no matter what. Smiling he lays his hand around her waist and pulls her closer. "I still can't wait for tonight with you...", he smirks.

To his surprise, she turns herself out of his grip. "Oh Kyun!", she laughs. "Why are you doing this?"

Bewildered he looks at her. "Doing what?"

Laughing she shakes her head. "You don't want me... you want her! And you know what? It's totally fine! Seriously. Go back to her, shoot your shot! I cross my fingers Jaebum won't beat your ass!"

His jaw drops. So it's obvious. He has no idea how to deal with this. Cause if even Jess noticed it...

"How do you—?"

"I've known you for a while now...", she interrupts him caresses his cheek tenderly, and sighs. "And from time to time I wish you'd still look at me the way you look at her..."

"Like what?"

"Like I'm the only girl you ever wanted. You did it for some time tho ... but it changed after I slept with you..."

For the first time in his life, he realizes that the way he treated women wasn't as careful as he thought. Seems like, even if they never let him know, these girls still suffered somehow...

"I-I'm sorry ...", he stammers, feels horrible. He bragged about the fact that he never hurt any of these girls.

But he did.

"Don't be. Just think carefully about what you want, Kyun. I might be tough. But I'm not sure that she could handle this ... She's pretty emotional attached..."

Changkyun looks over to the dance floor, watch Nalya, Maggs, Alicia, and Ari dance like pabos. He smiles at the sight of her and Jess looks at him meaningfully and smirks.

"I have a hard time keeping myself away from her, to be honest...", he says quietly.

To him, it seems like Jess is someone he could let this out on.

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