Chapter 25: Days 1-3

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Days 1-3

Day 1:

Kyun spends the entire first day planning the most adorable surprise he could think of. He's not romantic at all but Nalya is. And this is about her so ... he has to swallow his pride. Pretty soon, after talking to her girls, he realizes that everything that runs shivers down his spine but not makes him wanna puke is the perfect amount of romantic the girl he loves prefers.

Thank god she's not into this super cheesy-awkward kind of stuff. She likes it simple. And private. So a declaration of love at an Arctic Monkeys concert would be too much - not that he thought about it though ...

Changkyun is confident that this will work out. This has to work out because there's no way he'll just keep on living without her by his side. Even if the next days won't change her mind, he will fight. He will fight just the way she fought for him over months. He owes this to her and to himself...

".... okay wait wait wait...", Jooheon looks at Kyun in confusion. "I totally get that first part... Nine days, like the nine days of your first bet. But you shorten it to eight days since you kissed and had sex on day eight, right? Sooo seven little surprises ... and a big firework at the end, I get that!", he shakes his head while the others are laughing. "But why this stupid rule?"

For thirty minutes now Changkyun tries to explain to his closest friends about the plan he spends the entire first day creating.

"Because he knows Nalya...", Maggs smirks before Kyun could answer. "Well enough to know that one little surprise is enough for her to forgive him... right?"

Changkyun nods smiling.

"Then why this fuss?", Wonho asks confused as well. "I mean I get that too but ... why not one huge surprise?"

"Because one is not enough!", Kyun explains. "She deserves the world! And I wanna give it to her. And Maggs is right. If she's allowed to contact me... she'll forgive me too fast. And I don't deserve her forgiveness. Not yet ... so.."

Sighing he stands up and takes a plastic bag from the counter and gives it to Mark.

"Is that the first surprise?", Maggs asks, grabs the bag, and opens it. Smiling she pulls out a little package.

"Cloud...", she looks up to the others. "That's her scent. The reason she smells like cotton candy..."

An understandingly "ahh" comes from the other ones.

"Yeah..", Kyun smiles shyly. "She dropped hers in Yosemite so ... figured this will be a perfect way to start?"

"It is...", Ari smirks. "That's pretty sweet. And it fits. Since her smell ... kinda hit you..."

"Yeah...", he chuckles and looks at Mark after Maggs put the perfume back into its wrapping. "So you'll give it to her... and tell her she's not allowed to contact me, that every day another one of you guys will come to brighten up her day... and that she's allowed to give each of you a little message for me... and... please ask her to be patient."

Everyone laughs, knows Nalya is the most impatient person on this planet.

Mark nods. "I will but ...", he pauses a second. "Who guarantees me that she won't beat my ass?"

Again Kyun and his friends laugh.

"Did you ever see Nalya actually beating up anyone?", Alicia laughs.

"Well..." Kihyun grins. "She slapped Jb..."

Kyun chuckles. "Yeah... but she had every right to... don't worry Mark... that's why I send you to tell her this. She's only rude to people she's close with. Wonho, Bam, and Jacks would've lost at this part..."

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