Chapter 8: Day 6

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Day 6

Changkyun sighs as his phone vibrates once again.

His mom.

All he wants is to study in peace, but she keeps on texting him, excited about his new girlfriend, and has already invited her to thanksgiving and Christmas.

Nalya left an amazing impression. Of course, she did.

His mom loves the way Nalya insulted his dad. Loves her cleverness, her way to talk. Her behavior and the way she makes her laugh.
Now there's yet another person who makes him realize his lack of feelings for Nalya. And it's getting more and more frustrating day by day. It's day 6. And his feelings haven't changed at all!

He doesn't wanna answer his mother. It hurts that he lied to her like that. He has no idea how to tell her in a couple of weeks they broke up ...

As he hears someone knocking on his door, he throws his head back groaning.
"Oh, my god I'm trying to study here for god's sake!"

"Got a minute for your girlfriend?", he hears Nalya chuckling behind the door.


"S-sorry. Sure!", he blurts, turns around in his chair, and sees Nalya's head appearing in the door.

"Hey!", she smiles.

"Hey!", he returns the smile, tilts his head, and looks at her. What is she doing here?

"M-may I come in?"

When Changkyun nods she slowly walks in and looks around curiously before looking back at him quickly "I... I brought pizza...", she smiles and continues scrutinizing his room, looks in his bookshelves and through the stuff that lays around... he only waits for her to open the drawers. But she seems to have that much decency to leave them untouched.

Changkyun notices how hard he tenses his body while she walks around but has no idea why.

Suddenly she stops and points to the wall above his bed.
"A signed Arctic Monkeys Poster? How awesome!", she says and looks at him in surprise before she laughs. "Okay. I was about to say I never thought you're into indie rock. But..."

"But?", he smirks, nibbling his pen.

"You paint your nails black?"

He laughs out loud. "True!"

"I like your room... It's cozy. And dark. The way I love it...", she chuckles and sits on his bed.

What the hell is she up to? Why on earth does she care about his room suddenly?

"So and this is where the magic happens?", she asks laughing and lays back.

He bites his lip. Gosh, his imaginations are running wild. Why is she teasing him like that?

Immediately he shakes his head. "Not really...", he smirks.

She likes to play? Fine. That's a game two can play...

"I prefer other places...", he winks at her and shuts his laptop. He doesn't know how long she'll stay. With that smell of cotton candy in his nose, he will study shit.

"Like bathrooms, libraries, pools...?", she asks, sits up, and tilts her head.

She speaks so casually. As if this is a topic she talks about with everyone.

He won't tell her now that he didn't mean that exactly. That he just doesn't enjoy bringing strange girls into his room. So he rather goes to their dorms or ... yeah, well ... do it at places she just mentioned.

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