Chapter 12: Day 7

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Still.. Day 7

"... how ... how he literally followed the fucking smell of cotton candy like .. like some kind of tracker dog or something!", Wonho rolls on the floor laughing while the others, including Changkyun and Nalya laugh loudly. 

The guys didn't stop making fun of him since they returned. It would seriously annoy him, if Nalya wouldn't sit between his legs, holding his hands while they sit at the campfire.

"But I found her!", Changkyun defends himself. "And you would stop making fun of me if she really would've been lost and not ...", he looks down at her, lays his chin on her shoulder, pinching in her side, and she squeals laughing. "...buying cotton candy on that damn county fair..."

"This story... is seriously... hilarious!", Jacks laughs louder.

"Stop laughing, pabos!", Maggs slaps her boyfriend laughing who still lays on the ground. "This was actually pretty cute now shut the fuck up!", she looks at Changkyun. "I'm glad you've found her. Even if she wasn't lost at all!"

The food their friends and the other students prepared looks delicious but both Kyun and Nalya are too full to taste.

"You really went on a Ferris wheel?", Maggs asks munching after Changkyun told them what they did on the county fair.

"What about your fear of heights?"

Nalya and her big mouth. When did she find the time to tell Maggs? As he looks at her annoyed he realizes that Maggs isn't looking at him. She is looking at her.

Nalya shakes her head strongly.  "I'm not!"

"Uhm ... Bebi?", Maggs narrows her brows. "I know you since kindergarten!"

"Yeah...", she sighs. "...but it changed okay?"

Again she shakes her head. "No, it didn't. You literally freaked out as you stood on that ladder last week to change the bulbs in our dorm!"

What the..?

She didn't seem like she was afraid of heights at all. And it was her idea to go on that thing? Why would she do this, when she's so afraid of it?

Changkyun holds her hand and leans closer.

"Is that true?", he whispers into her ear.

"No it's not ...", she says quickly but he sees her throwing a death stare at her best friend.

Maggs bites her lip and nods. What the hell is going on here?

Even though this conversation was strange as fuck it didn't spoil the fun they have.
Alicia, Jess, and a few of the other cheerleaders show a little of their performance to lift their spirits for the upcoming game tomorrow before Mark starts to play on his guitar. Even though there's alcohol, non of those 70 students seem to be overly drunk. Everyone enjoy the soft music by Mark and Yugyeom's angelic voice, the crackling sounds of the fire, the soft wind in the trees, and the moonlight shining on the beautiful Lake Tahoe. All of them seem to appreciate the free time of the student-life.

So does Changkyun. He still sits in front of the fire, Nalya between his legs while he watches the scenery, talks with his friends and she plays gently with his hands.  He really could sit like this forever.

"You guys have to try some of the Stockbrot at least!", Ari munches. "The dough is pretty good!"

"The... the what?", Nalya looks up to her confused.

Ari throws her head back laughing. "Stockbrot! It's very common at campfires in Germany..."

Ari used to live abroad for a couple of years. Traveled all around Europe. Since then she shows her friends the most delicious recipes from foreign countries.

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