Chapter 5: Day 3

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Hey Loves :)

Little trigger-warning. This chapter contains topics such as death and mental disorders.



Day 3

There's one thing in this world Changkyun hates more than libraries.


It's just another football day without the excitement of another party at night but this horrible feeling of having to attend lectures the next day. He lies on the couch, face down while the others watch the game, and tries to think about something he could do as his phone chimes.

He feels himself smiling as he sees Nalya's name on the display.

I'm bored af. Wyd?

His phone chimes again.

Maggs with Wonho?

He has no idea why he's smiling. Probably because Jaebum is also here and she rather texts him.

Me too. Watching football. Hbu?
Yes, she's here.

He looks over to the other couch and sees Maggs laying on Wonho's chest, her eyes closed.

But I guess she's asleep...

He stares at his phone. The blue typing bubble is there for quite some time now and he's not sure whether she writes him a novel or has also fallen asleep.

Shall we meet? Take a walk or something?

He chuckles.

Wow. Wanna make me fall in love with you by suggesting a walk? I'm impressed 😂

The next text comes pretty fast.

Fuck you! 😂

This time he laughs out loud and writes another text.

I pick you up in 15.

"Yow, bro!" Jooheon groans over to him. "It's kinda creepy when you laugh at your phone like that!"

Changkyun didn't even realize that he laughed that loud.

"Found another prey?" Jaebum asks raising his eyebrow. So far he was deep sunk into his book. Changkyun wonders why this guy is so goddamn interested in his life.

He looks at him and grins while standing up. What an ego pusher.
"I'm going to meet your homecoming date now!"

Oh yes. The expression upon Jaebum's face was so worth it. He can see that he tries to hide how much it bothers him. But Changkyun is not stupid.

"Wait!", Wonho looks at Jaebum surprised. "With whom you go?"

Changkyun chuckles. "Nalya, of course!"

"Y-you asked her?" Wonho looks back at him, speaks in a silent voice so as not to wake his girl. "Finally bro!", he gives him a soft high five.

"How do you know about that?" Jaebum looks at Changkyun bewildered.

He smirks. "She told me. When I asked her to go with me..."

He's not even afraid to tell the guys she rejected him. She would've gone with him, right? If he hadn't already had a date. Jaebum is just her second choice. And Kyun knows that Jaebum knows it. That's such a triumph for him.

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