Chapter 19: Day 8 ✨🔞

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I'll just stop and let you know when this day is over...

Changkyun never felt more twisted in his entire life. Never did he crave someone this much and knew at the same time that ... that he can't do this to her. But the way she looks at him makes him weak.

"Please don't hate me in hindsight... you know I'm a sucker for you..", he whispers without looking at her.

Nalya caresses his cheek before she makes him look at her.

"Hey...", she smiles. "Kyun. I promise!"

A giant smirk appears on his face. Yes, something in him still doesn't want this, wants to protect her from him but... it's her! Gosh, he wants her so so bad!

Again he cups her cheeks and kisses her tenderly, already knowing that he will never get enough of this before looking at her insistently.

"You are absolutely sure about this, princess?!"

Immediately she nods. "I am!"

Smiling, he kisses her again before helping her slip off the counter, taking her hand and walking out of the restroom. They both look back to the entrance of the hall before they look at each other...

Changkyun smirks. "Maybe we should take the backdoor..."

They chuckle and are just about to walk into the other direction as Jess comes out of the restroom.


"Kyun!", she gasps and walks over to them. "Where have you been?"

Changkyun feels Nalya wanting to let go of his hand but he refuses, holds it tighter.

"I only saw Jaebum punching you and then—", abruptly she stops, as she seems to notice Nalya next to him.

Confused she looks at both of them for a split second until an enormous smile appears on her face.

"I'll cover you guys up..!", she says and pushes both of them towards the back door. "And head home too. If someone asks, you're with me... I won't say a thing. I promise..."

Changkyun returns the gaze confused. There are many questions he'd like to ask but right now... he doesn't care.

"Thank you, Jess!"

Those were probably Nalya's first polite words to her. Ever.

"Yeah..", Kyun stammers. "Th-thank you!"

"You're welcome!", Jess smirks and opens the door behind them. "Now go! Quick!"

Changkyun closes the door to their dorm and pushes Nalya against it carefully. They both chuckle into the kiss, his fingertips all over her body.

Hungry she bites his lip, giving him yet another signal that she wants him just the way he wants her. They stumble up the stairs, giggling and laughing like toddlers while her hands untie his tie and unbutton his shirt. Smiling, he pushes her through the door of his room and closes it behind them.

Closely he watches her walking over to his bed, too afraid he might miss the hint. The hint that tells him she doesn't want this anymore.

Slowly he follows her, lays his hand from behind around her waist, and tucks her long hair over her shoulder.

"You need to talk to me, princess...", he speaks softly while kissing her neck and bare shoulder. "please tell me if you change your mind..."

A soft moan escapes her throat as he nibbles her earlobe.

"I will...", she breathes and turns around to him. "But I need you to be gentle...."

"Of course!", he says keenly. "I promise!"

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