Epilogue ✨🔞

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One last time: Hello Loves!

In this chapter, I'll give you super hard and super soft.
Just like I am! :D Hope you guys enjoy it!

As soon as I collected my thoughts, I'll start a new book with Nalya's POV and all this smutty stuff you love so much :D Feel free to message me or comment on what you want to read :)

Love ya'll so much! <3 <3 <3



Kyun bites into his plastic cup while watching that hot girl dancing so smoothly to the music. Gosh, she turns him on so much. Every once in awhile she throws a teasing gaze at him, biting her lip, let her hands glide over her perfect shaped body. That skirt she's wearing is so cheeky, Kyun almost drools.

"I was hoping I'd never see his hunter face again ...", he hears Jooheon chuckling next to him. But Kyun is way too distracted by her to shoot back.

"Need help?", Maggs slips next to him and looks at Kyun's prey.

Smirking he glimpses over to the blonde.

"Oh come on!", she groans. "Maybe I'm not Nalya but I'm pretty good at this as well!"

"Yeah?", Kyun chuckles. "What are your references?"

Maggs laughs and nods over to Wonho. "He is!"

Kyun laughs as well without taking his eyes off of that hot girl. "Good then ... shoot your shot!"

Smiling, Maggs jumps up and walks over to her. They talk for a bit before both of them look over to him.

Changkyun smirks and bites into his cup again, so turned on by the way she smiles. Lip-biting she straitens her clothes and walks over to him. Immediately he jumps up. Almost shyly she throws her hair over her shoulder and smiles softly.

"Hey!", he says casually and bites his lip. 

"Hey!", she smirks back at him, makes a step forward, and fumbles on his shirt. "Maggs said you might be interested in ...", she pauses and bites her lip before she comes even closer.

Suddenly she sighs. "Fuck this foreplay. Wanna go somewhere and fuck?"

A giant smirk appears on Changkyun's face before grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the room. Impatiently he looks around before he opens a door and smirks back at her as he finds the bathroom. Quickly they slip through and the second the door is closed and locked,  he grabs her and pushes her against it, immediately lays his lips on hers, loses his mind cause she tastes so fucking good. Their tongues start to play passionately while his hands run across her body. The second he buries his face in her neck bow, a rush runs through his guts. Her scent. Gosh.

"Fuck!", she gasps and holds tightly on him while wrapping one of her legs around his hips. "I love our stupid games!"

Kyun leans back and smirks at her. "And I love you!"

Nalya chuckles before she pulls him on her lips again and they kiss wild and hungry. Greedy she lets her fingertips glide under his shirt and bites his lip. Smirking he turns her around and their eyes meet in the mirror above the sink next to the door.

"Let's make a little bet!", he coos into her ear, while his hands lay around her body. "I bet that I can make you come twice at least before we're getting caught..."

Smirking he unlocks the door again without taking his eyes off of her. He can see the arousal in Nalyas face, feels the way her body tenses.

"What do you think, babygirl...", he whispers and nibbles her neck. "Do you wanna take that risk? And watch me fucking you in the mirror?"

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