Chapter 1: Day 1

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Day 1

"That is the stupidest idea I've ever heard of!" Jaebum repeats for the hundredth time as they hang out at their dorm, getting ready for another night out.

"Oh my god, bro!" Changkyun groans. "Why are you so concerned about this? I won't fall in love!"

"Yeah. But what if she does?" he frowns. "You know how she is! And I don't wanna lose her as a friend only because you're too stupid to fall in love!"

What a jerk he is. Changkyun knows damn well that this has nothing to do with his fear of 'losing her as a friend'. That this is about way more.

"Oh, gosh...," he sighs. "Yes. I know how she is. I know she falls in love fast, but we're talking about nine days here. Nine fucking days! Not even she falls in love that fast. So chill. Nothing will change. She will pamper my ass in the next days and then, as a cherry on top, she'll write my essay and that's it!"

"What makes you think she falls in love fast?" Bam tilts his head and looks at his friends.

Jaebum shrugs. "She always talks about"

Bam snorts. "Wow. Valid argument!" he shakes his head. "Never saw her with a guy or talking about a guy. And I'm her best friend!"

Changkyun bites his lip. He's right. Nalya talks about love... about exes... but he barely sees her talking to other guys except for the ones in this dorm...

Jooheon throws himself on the couch and tilts his head while sipping his first beer. "Never thought about why she did this?"

"Boy, because she's one of these girls that can't stay away from guys like me. We attract these girls to us cause they all feel the need to change us for good..", Changkyun replies after he got ripped out of his thoughts. He knows these girls damn well.

"You really are a nice guy!", Bam throws in. "But some words coming out of your mouth are pretty disgusting!"

Changkyun ignores this comment and keeps on talking to Jooheon. "And yes. Nalya's hot, and I wanna smash her so, so bad! But this body alone won't be able to make me fall in love. And she's way too smart to fall in love with me. Trust me!"

"I'm kinda curious how she wants to do it tho. I mean. It's you we're talking about!" Wonho laughs. "You need closeness to fall in love and all you want is being alone, playing video games, and-"

"Stop this!" Kyun shakes his head, in no mood to talk about this any further. "I'm not a sociopath, okay? I'm fun!" he smirks. "And you know that! Now please chill! And drink!"

About half an hour later the door swings open and Maggs, Ari, Alicia, and Nalya walk in. Changkyun looks up to her while sipping his beer. He kinda expected a "wow"-moment. Like, she wants to make him fall in love with her, right? But she looks like every week when they're going to a party. Her typical all-black-I-used-to-be-emo-and-still-can't-get-rid-of-it-look, her long dark hair in beach waves and a beanie on top. Her lips are red and her eyes wear heavy dark make-up. He likes this look, tho. It's hot. But still ... he expected her to come up with something new.

"Kind of hoped you'd show up in a cute little dress for once!" he chuckles while hugging her.

She scoffs and hugs him back. "Oh trust me, Hun. I don't need 'a cute little dress' to win this bet!"

He's still fascinated by her self-confidence, and suddenly a wave of her scent lingers in his nose. It kinda smells like a county fair. Popcorn and candy. He feels thrown back to when he was a little child. He went to county fairs with his parents a lot before they got divorced. These days are his favorite childhood memories... why does she smell like that?

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