Chapter 2: Day 1

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Day 1

Nalya looks at him wide-eyed.

"What the? Ew Kyun. I really don't wanna hear that the thought of me made you cum for god's sake!" but suddenly her facial expression changes. "On the other hand... mhh I kinda love that impact I have on you!" she smirks.

All at once she places her drink on the table, slips closer, and straddles him. He's so confused that he looks up to her, shocked before his hands lay like naturally around her thighs as she leans closer.

"Too bad you just fucked! I'd love to make you a little crazy!"

"Oh, gosh Nalya!" he laughs. "Don't start what you won't finish!"

"Mhh...," she leans forward and nibbles his ear. He feels goosebumps covering his entire body. This smell of cotton candy is so...
Shit. This girl makes him horny, only minutes after he came.

"Maybe we should fuck... just to make sure that you can focus on your feelings for me...," she giggles.

He gulps. He'd lay down every other girl immediately and make out with her until she begs for his dick. But she is not one of those girls.
There has always been this sexual tension between them. Not just from his side. She's all into it, too. Changkyun knows damn well Nalya is a tease. But she usually only teases with words. That she comes this close and offers herself to him like that can only mean one thing: She's drunk as fuck. And he'd never take advantage of that.

"Alright, princess!", he grabs her waist and makes her stand up before he gets up too. "Time to bring you home!"

"What? No!", she whines and lays her arms around his shoulders. "Come on, Kyunnie. Don't be like that. You want me, don't you?", she smirks cockily and he can't help but chuckle.

Her behavior just confirms his assumption that she must be a wildcat in bed. But he has to resist her. He must! He looks over to the other guys. Jooheon looks at them confused and also Jaebum watches them tensely.

"I'll bring her home!", he says loud enough for them to hear. He takes her jacket and pushes her through the dancing crowd.

"No!", she still whines and turns around to him. Again her arms lie around his shoulders and she smiles drunkenly. "Dance with me! Please! Just one dance!" she babbles. "I promise after that you can bring me home!"

She turns around and moves smoothly to the music. His body stiffs immediately. He doesn't like this at all. Cause he's definitely a sucker for her body, but ... he can't. He grabs her arm a little too harshly and pulls her out of the house.

"It's for your own good!" he explains after Nalya whines again and helps her into her jacket. "Now let's go!"

"To be honest. I have no idea how to manage it...," she babbles under her own breath while they walk over the giant campus to her dorm, wraps her arms around her own body, and shivers a little.

He looks at her for one second before he takes off his jacket and lays it around her shoulders. "What do you mean?"

She scoffs. "Don't be stupid! You know what I mean!"

She has trouble walking straight and Changkyun laughs about her state.

"I am awesome. Don't get me wrong, I know that guys mostly like me for my personality! I know I'm no Jessica...," she pouts and Changkyun can't help but ask himself what her issue about Jessica is. Jess is hot, yes. But never a 20/10 like Minhyuk said.

"Yeah...," he shrugs. "I think you're more. Your ass is nicer. And I don't know. You're more attractive in general..."

"You only say that because you've fucked her already!" Nalya scoffs again, lays her hand on a lantern, and spins around it while looking up into the sky. "The stars look so beautiful tonight!"

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