Chapter 6: Day 4

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Day 4

"Yow, guys! Hurry!", Jooheon yells and honks multiple times.

"Coming!", Changkyun shoves the last piece of his lunch into his mouth, stumbles to the door, and slips into his shoes before he walks munching over to Jooheon's van.
Jacks, Wonho and Bam are already sitting inside.

"Where are the girls?", Jooheon asks annoyed. Kyun shrugs.

"We're here!", like little chickens, Alicia, Ari and Maggs come running out of the house.

"Sorry!", gasps Maggs and slips next to Wonho in the backseat. "Forgot my wallet!"

Changkyun has the urge to ask why all three of them are late when only Maggs forgot her wallet but.. he knows better than asking questions like this.

"W-where is Nalya?", Kyun asks confused. "Thought she wanted to come along?"

Alicia stands next to the car and kisses Bam tenderly through the window before turning to him. "I don't know ... she wanted — oh!", she nods over to the lawn. "There she is!"

Changkyun chuckles as he sees Nalya running over the lawn as if zombies following her. Pretty quickly she arrives next to him, puts her hands on her knees, and wheezes.

"Sorry ...", she gasps. "I took a nap.. and that nap escalated..."

Her friends, including Kyun laugh. This is nothing new.

He opens the car door and lets Alicia slip next to Maggs on the backseat while Ari and Jacks already annoy Jooheon with their sweet talks in the front.

"Your shoe is open!", Changkyun says to Nalya and climbs into the car as well.

"Oh!", she looks down. "Hold this for a second", quickly she lays her phone into Kyun's hand and sits down next to him. "I don't have a bag or a purse...", she explains and closes the door before she bends down to tie her shoe.

Meanwhile, Jooheon starts the engine and leaves the campus.

Changkyun watches her tying up her shoe out of breath as her phone lightens up. He chuckles as he sees a weird guy on her lock-screen. "Who is that?", he asks amused.

She raises her head and smirks. "That, my dear, is Mister Brendon Urie... Panic! At the disco?!", she explains after he looked at her confused.

"Ah... wow...", Kyun groans laughing. "You're such a fangirl!"

"Shut up!", she says sugar sweetly and leans back.

"And where do you have your money?", he asks as he remembers her saying she doesn't have a bag or a purse. "Or do the girls pay for you?"

Again she smirks. "Apple Pay is the key, love!"

"Ah!", chuckles Kyun and holds the phone next to her so she can take it back.

"Nah put it in, please!", she says quickly while looking out of the window. "I don't need it right now..."

The 45-minute drive to San Francisco is absolutely nothing new for the group. But Nalya is stuck to the window, seems fascinated by the incredibly boring highway.

"Haven't seen much of the west coast, have you?", Kyun chuckles and sees her face lighting up excitedly.

She shakes her head. "Unfortunately..."

"And it's your first time in San Francisco?", he asks.

"Yes!", she squeaks a little. "And I'm so fucking excited!"

Changkyun laughs out loud. After what she and Maggs told him yesterday, he's really happy about every single thing that makes her smile or laugh. And if that boring highway makes her happy - then so be it.

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