Chapter 7: Day 5

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Day 5

Changkyun used to love psychology classes. But when he walks out of the reading the next day, he can't help but think his prof really hates him for that essay. No praises for his incredible answers, no 'Take Mr. Im as a good example'. Nothing. Maybe that sounds arrogant. But he worked his ass off for being loved by the profs. And he wants to keep it that way.

The lawn in front of the building is busier than usual. But Changkyun has no idea why. They sit under the oak as usual and wait for the others to come.

He's in the middle of a conversation with Kihyun and Jinyoung as he sees familiar faces behind them.

Now he knows why there are so many people around.
Homecoming week!

Nalya and he have barely talked since that incident in the store yesterday. Shit. Why now? He wanted to let her suffer at least a day longer! But he needs her now. Immediately he crawls over to her.

"That's why I thought th—", she breaks her conversation with Alicia as Changkyun presses a kiss on her cheek.

"We're friends right?", he asks and looks at her.

She returns the gaze bewildered and nods. "Kyun wha—", he lays his finger on her lips.

"I'm willing to forget about everything that has happened yesterday when you help me now! Whatever happens in a few minutes....please play along, yeah? I'll explain everything when I have the time just ...", he looks behind her. They're here every second. "Don't let me down!", he takes his finger off of her, stands up, and walks past her.

"Mama...Dad!", he says, faking a smile, can't believe they are already here. Together. "What are you doing here? Thought you wouldn't come before Friday?", he hugs his Mum tightly. He's thrilled to see her but ... why on earth now?

"Oh, we wanted to surprise you, boy!", his Dad says smiling and pats his shoulder. "But unfortunately we're only here for one day! Got some stuff to do back home!"

Yep. He was kinda expecting this. There wasn't a single time his dad stayed for longer than a day when he came to visit him. Work always seems to be more important.

"Wow!", Changkyun smirks and scratches his head.

It's so weird seeing them together. He knows they still don't get along but they try at least. Even though he has no idea why. Because he really could live without his father's visits.

Suddenly his Mum looks past him. "Nalya!", she squeals and Changkyun closes his eyes for a second.


He watches his Mum walking over to her, hugging her tightly while she looks at him lost. "Changkyun told me so much about you!", she cups her cheeks and smiles brightly at her. "I'm so happy I finally meet you!"

He takes a deep breath and walks over to them.

Nervously he clears his throat. "Mama... Dad ... Uhm. Let me introduce you guys officially", he tries to keep his voice steady. "Nalya. These are my parents Katherine and Henry.. Mum... Dad... ", he sighs and lays his arm around her waist. "This is Nalya.. m-my girlfriend!"

Immediately her eyes shoot up to him. Helplessly he returns the gaze before his dad hugs her tightly too.

Nalya seems to need a few seconds to process until an enormous smile appears on her face. "So glad, I finally meet you Mr. Im, Mrs. Im! I can only return this!", she says friendly and Changkyun is super surprised but so happy how well she plays along. "Kyunnie told me so much about you! How was the flight from Boston?"

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