Chapter 29: Day 8

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A second later, the light flashes into his face. Kyun squints his eyes shut and gasps, tries to shield off the light with his hand.

"Shit. Sorry!"

She immediately takes it down again, turns it off, and walks up to him. Gosh, Kyun can't believe the moment is finally here. His heart beats so fast and his hands are shaking. Carefully he takes both of her hands.

"Hey beautiful!", he whispers.

"Finally!", she whispers back and smiles softly. "But I don't get it! Wh.. why are you here? It's only day eight?!"

"Well...", he takes a deep breath. "You only needed eight days to win the other bet as well so..."

Suddenly the lights of the Ferris wheel turn on. Jooheon managed it to hit the perfect timing to set up the electricity. The bright lights from the Ferris wheel behind Changkyun shine into her face and Nalya flinches, rips her eyes open presses her hand on her mouth.


Shocked she looks back at him.

"What the hell is fucking wrong with you?!", she slaps his chest lightly multiple times while Kyun squeals like a baby. "A Ferris wheel? Are you out of your fucking mind? Why do you spend this fucking amount of money—"

"Stop!", he grabs her wrists and looks deeply at her. "I'd give you the world if necessary!", he says certain. "And it's just a metaphor. Don't worry I'm not forcing you into this thing ..."

She shakes her head, still seems to be so overwhelmed. "You bought a Ferris wheel?"

"He rented it!", Jooheon's voice suddenly echoes over the lawn.

Jesus Christ!

"Fuck off, Jooheon!", he yells into the darkness.

A small, sheepish "Sorry!", comes back and Nalya and Kyun can't help but laugh.

Once again he sees little tears filling Nalyas eyes. Carefully he turns her a bit so she can see his face as well.

"Why?", she asks sobbing. "Why all this. Why all this Yosemite stuff?"

"Because looking back ...", he lays one hand on her cheek, loves the way his other hand plays with hers while his heart beats faster and faster each second. "Lake Tahoe was everything I needed to know... to know what I want..."

"All this wasn't necessary at all. You know that, don't you?", she looks at him, tilts her head, and sighs. "You idiot had me at day one.."

He nods immediately and holds both of her hands tightly again.

"Day one... about seven months ago?"

Nalya clicks her tongue. "Pretty much, yeah.."

They laugh softly.

"Yeah ... you are so used to waiting...", he explains and strokes some loose hair from her face. "You suffered for so long and you're so strong I figured you could wait another eight days easily. So I got the chance to suffer for once..."

"And...?", she smirks. "How was it?"

He groans. "A fucking nightmare..."

Every second without her was like ten years in hell. Especially since they met on day four and he had her so damn close.

"I ... I wanted to ...", he stammers. "I wanted to say a few things. Things I thought about a lot.. things I always knew... but I always was too much of a coward to speak them out ..."

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