Chapter 16: Day 8

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Day 8

Nalya looks breathtaking!

Kyun knew what she'd wear. He suggested this dress! But combined with those high heels and the dark makeup and ... her curly hair half down and braids in it that look like a crown. Oh Gawd, she looks stunning! Her skin is glowing, and she looks so confident. He can't stop staring at her.

Once again he can't help but ask himself if she kept her hair curly cause he likes it so much...?

Tensely he watches her trudging through the crowd of people - to Jaebum. It's almost as if someone cut the ground from underneath Kyun's feet. Suddenly he feels like someone has ripped him out of his daydreams and he realizes: Nalya is not his. She never will be. Everything they shared the past days ... means nothing when this bet is over. Because obviously, Kyun is not able to love. And Nalya won't stay by his side just to do him a favor. And she definitely won't sleep with him just like that...

"I need a drink!", Jess says next to him and leaves into the kitchen.

Changkyun can't believe how stupid he was to think they could go on like this forever. This kinda rips him apart...

Sighing, he is about to follow Jess as Nalya walks smiling over to him. Mesmerized, he stops. They smile at each other for a second before he wraps his arms around her and hugs her tightly. The scent of cotton candy is more present than ever.

"You look insanely beautiful!", he mumbles and they loosen the hug.

"Thank you, Kyunnie!", she smirks and looks down on herself. "You really have good taste... I love this dress....", she tilts her head. "You look pretty good as well... I like you in a suit!"

He resists the urge to touch her. She looks so flawless, the fact that she's not his date almost hurts him physically.

"I brought something for you!"

Confused he watches her pulling out a pink tie from her bag.

What the?

"It's my brother's".

She sighs. "Seriously Kyun I know you hate dances..", she says while her hands wander up to his collar and pull it up. "But this shit is important for us girls...", she unties his black tie and takes it off. "And even though you already fucked Jess...", she lays the pink tie around his neck. " can't give her the feeling that you only slumming it with her because there's no other one around....", she starts to tie his tie, makes it look so simple. "... I know you wanted to spend the dance with me but that's not fair ...", she mumbles. "Try to care. She's a good one!"

Tensely he looks into her face the entire time she speaks and his heart almost explodes while trying to resist the urge to pull her up, kiss her wildly, make her his for the night...

"Do you understand?"

Their eyes meet and he shakes his head to come back to reality. The words she just spoke seem to reach him just now. What does she mean, he should care? Why? Is it because she realized that she'd rather spend the dance with JB?

Again he feels his ego shrinking.

"Yes. Yes!", he stammers. "Uh ... thank you!"

"You're welcome, love!", she smiles.

"Nalya I —"

He gets interrupted by the loud cheering of the many people around, looks past Nalya, and sees Alicia. In a gold sparkling dress and the same princess-cut as her friends. She looks like she's about to attend the Academy Awards. She smiles happily and walks over to Bam who's suit is just as glamorous and sparkling as her dress. The aura that covers them is stunning. They look like fucking celebs.

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