Part 1

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** Harry's POV **
•• November 26, 2027 ••

When I got back from recording in LA, I told my mum that I needed a few days rest before getting Grace back...

I went into my kitchen, immediately seeing a small white package on the table, which confused me since I don't usually have mail delivered to my house.. And even if I did, it would be in the mailbox, not inside..

I picked it up, flipping it over. It was blank. No address, not even my name was written on it.. I hesitated, opening it and seeing that it was a flash drive. I set it down, not sure why this would've randomly shown up here.. I decided to call my mum, who immediately answered the phone. I could hear Grace playing in the background.

"Hey, you back in London yet?" She asked. "Yeah, I just got back. I was wondering if you knew what this package was? Did you leave something on my kitchen table?" I questioned. "No. Maybe Gemma did." She replied. I nodded, thinking about it. "Ok.. Thanks, that's really all I wanted to ask." I commented..

We talked for a few more minutes about Grace, and then ended the call..

I made the decision to see what was on the flash drive, really hoping it wasn't a virus that would destroy my computer or anything. I plugged it in, having to wait a minute for the icon to pop up on my screen.. I clicked it, seeing that it contained a single file with two voice recordings. I clicked on the first one, which was labeled "Brynn-#1" and turned up the volume on my computer..

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"—can stay with me. We can start over." I instantly recognized that voice. It was Ryan.. "I don't want to, Ryan.. I can't be with you. I really can't." Brynn's voice came through the speakers, and I had to pause it..

I hadn't heard her voice since the day she died, when she'd called me in the car with him. I hesitated, feeling my heartbeat quicken, and nervously hit play again.

"Yes, you can.. I'll be better for you. Please, just trust me. I can help you get away from him. And the kid. I know you don't want anything to do with her; it wouldn't be that hard." Ryan commented, and I tried to piece together what this conversation was about, or when it had taken place. It was really confusing to hear after all these years..

"How would we do it? You know he'd send the police after you. And do anything to try and find me." Brynn replied. "Fake your death." Ryan said, and my heart stopped for a moment, and I heard Brynn laugh over the recording.. It didn't seem like she knew she was being recorded, and I realized this had to have been done on the day that she died.

"Fake my death? Do you realize how impossible that is? Harry would want to see my body." She stated. She was right. I did see it. Well, sort of. I couldn't bring myself to pull the sheet down to actually look at her. I'd stood there for ten minutes trying to convince myself that I'd want to see her just one last time. I had regretted not pulling the sheet down ever since..

"Would he though? I mean, you've met him. He practically faints at the sight of blood. I honestly don't think he'd actually look. I have connections at the hospital, and I think they'd help. They owe me a favor.. They could get a similar-sized body from the morgue, cover it with a sheet and tell him it's you." Ryan explained, and I paused the recording.

I looked at the flashdrive for a few seconds, trying to process what I was hearing. Was she alive? And if so, why the hell was I just now getting this flash drive now, after five years?

It took me a few minutes to bring myself to hit play. I really just wanted to hear her voice again..

"Why are you so persistent about this, Ryan? I mean, first of all, it sounds like you've been plotting this for a long time, which concerns me. Secondly, it's absolutely insane. He'd figure it out... Right?" Brynn questioned. "I really don't think he would.. Listen.. You called the cops already, right? So, they would've traced the call, and they'll be here in no more then 20 minutes.. So, I'm going to cut you, and—" Brynn cut him off.

"What? No. You literally just said you weren't going to hurt me anymore." She commented. "I know what I said.. But this has to be believable for it to work. They're going to take you to the hospital, where my connections are going to pronounce you dead and even write the death certificate. I'll go to jail for a few years, but have a lot more connections in the federal system that will get me out early.. My buddy Jackson is going to pick you up from the hospital in four days, and take you back to his place in Manchester.. From there, he'll help you create a new identity and basically just start over. Ok? Please, Brynn. You have to trust me, I have this planned out to the very last detail. Just... Trust me. For once." Ryan explained..

"I don't want more scars, Ryan.. They hurt. This hurts me. I can't.. I really can't. Just take me back to Harry's. Please." Brynn said, and I recognized the change in her tone at the end. She was scared.

"This is the only way." He stated.. There was suddenly loud commotion on the other end, and I heard Brynn scream.. Some time passed with just silence...

"Don't pass out on me yet, Brynn." I barely heard Ryan say, and I turned up the volume, trying to hear what was going on. But they were too far away from whatever was recording this..

My heart dropped when I heard Brynn speak again. "Ryan.. Please. I can't.." She sounded weak, and I could barely understand her.. The rest was impossible to decipher, and the audio cut out. The first recording had finished.

I took a few minutes, my heart pounding in my chest. It was hard to breathe after listening to that.. I wasn't sure if she was alive or not. It certainly didn't sound like it after hearing that last bit...

Ten minutes passed, and I looked back up at the screen, seeing the second recording. It was labeled "Listen to this immediately... more to come" which worried me slightly.. I wasn't sure I wanted to know what was on it. The first one confused me way too much..


I listened to the first recording two more times, trying to figure out why after all these years it was being delivered to me.. And.. Why me? If Ryan hated me so much, why would he let me in on the secret that she wasn't really dead?

What if Brynn had been the one to deliver it? What if she was the one that wanted me to know she was still alive?

I guess the only way to figure that part out, would be to listen to the second recording...

A/N: I'll be publishing a new chapter every other day to give me time to finish editing. Thanks to everyone who reads and votes!
<3 <3

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