not related to this story but pls read.. ig??

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i'm still using my mama's ipad to post this :"D

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i'm still using my mama's ipad to post this :"D

also, i'm not totally signing off as a fanfic writer, i'm just signing off from using wattpad as to where i post my works and instead, i'm starting a new chapter with ao3. i still have a lot to learn on how to use ao3 tho :( i'm such a noob haha

anyways, i'll miss this acc (fuck em hackers or whatever/whoever caused all of this)

i'm posting this chapter under exchange students since this story is my most famous work :v

but tbh, i've actually been wanting to move to ao3 for a while now and maybe this whole incident is a sign that i should really move to ao3.

idk what else to say. i'm just really really sad that i've lost access to this account :( the only way i can access it is to via my mama's ipad.

i'm starting to be sound repetitive now so i'll stop from here.

i had fun while this account lasted. i loved every moment of it. i'll miss opening wattpad and going straight to my notifs to check y'alls comment on my stories (especially this one) goodbye.

lmao i sound like i'll never see y'all again :"D

anyways, let's be moots or friends on twitter (if u have one)!! byeee!!!

— @nahyuckle8611 | @Jewell445.

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