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I walked into the kitchen and seen the guys all walking out of the chapel.

I had my back to them but could feel Chibs' eyes burning into me & I grinned.

I filled my coffee up and turned around, looking him up & down, smirking.

He grinned at me & gave me a wink before they all left the clubhouse.

I went outside and seen Lexi's car pulling up in the lot and I smiled.

"Hey girly."

"Hey, you're looking in much better form today."

"So much better. How'd you go with Ace last night?"

"You know, bit of this and that." She grinned, shrugging and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sure." I laughed.

"What are you doing today?"

"I'm helping mom here."

"Fancy a weekend with the guys?"

I looked at Chibs and grinned.

"I've actually got plans this weekend."

"What are you doing?" She grinned and I smiled.

"I've been seeing someone."

"Ooh. Do I get to know his name?"

"You can look at him right now."

"He's one of the bikers?" She grinned, looking behind me & I smiled.

"Third one from the left."

"What! Jade, he's old."

"He's experienced." I grinned, looking him over & thinking back to the feels he gave me last night.

"He rock your world?" She grinned as I smiled at him.

"Twice." I laughed and she gasped.

"Mm, has he got any old friends like him then?" She grinned, looking back at the guys.

"Some of the guys are." I grinned and she smirked.

"Well I'm gonna have to start dressing sluttier when I come here."

I grinned and we talked for a little longer, then she left to come back for the party tonight.

This would be fun.

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