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I walked down the grocery aisle & grabbed a carton of milk.

"You're okay pretty girl." I whispered, rubbing Dakota's stomach as I continued shopping.

I wasn't even looking where I was going & crashed into another trolley.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." I sighed, seeing the guy in front of me smile.

"It's totally fine. Lucky it's just a trolley." He laughed and I smiled.

"Thank god."

"My name's Tim."

"Jade." I smiled & he looked at Dakota.

"Oh wow, her eyes are gorgeous."

"Aww thank you."

"She looks exactly like you, twins." He grinned and I laughed.

"Unfortunately I wasn't a very pretty baby." I laughed and he smirked.

"Well you've definitely changed then."

I blushed & looked back at Dakota.

"She's six months old."

"So little, well I'd better get going but you have a good one Jade."

"Yeah you too, bye."

He grinned & walked off and I smiled down at Dakota.

"Mommy's still got it." I grinned & did a stupid little dance.

I love Chibs, but sometimes I forget that I'm young & attractive. I feel like an old lady acting all married with a baby & shit.

I walked through checkout & put the groceries in the car, then drove home.

"Chibs?" I called out & seen his bike gone.


I groaned and carried Dakota in, laying her in her crib, then got all the groceries out.

I sat on the couch & my phone rang.

"Hey I was just looking for you. Where..."

"Get in our bedroom right now."

"Why? What..."

"A car just followed you home, take Kota into our room & lock the doors."

"Oh shit." I mumbled, looking out the window to see the car.

I locked every doorway & grabbed Kota, putting her in the bathroom inside our bedroom with me.

I put her on my boob & nursed her to sleep as I kept an eye on the guys in the car.

"I'm in our room." I said through the phone and Chibs sighed.

"Okay, good. Now close the curtain & don't watch this."

I closed the curtain and he ended the call.

I peeked through a little piece of fabric & seen him shoot three guys in the head.

I looked away & back down at Kota, then sighed.

"Oh god."

I heard a knock on our door & Chibs called out.


I unlocked it & he walked in, closing it behind him.

"Who are they?"

"Jimmys guys."

"Jesus Christ."

"You okay, is she okay?"

"Yeah she's asleep."

"Baby I need you to ring your brother, I'll get Clay."

I nodded & called Jax, telling him what just happened.

"Pack your stuff & get to the clubhouse. I'll send Ope & Tig to help you guys here."

"Okay." I ended the call & began packing our things as Chibs spoke to Clay.

I quickly got our shit together & loaded it all into the car in the garage.

"Kota's in her seat, I'll lead you out."

"Okay." I nodded, shaking.

"Baby, be calm okay?"

I looked up at him & heard two bikes outside.

"Let's go."

I got in the car & followed Chibs to the clubhouse as the other two followed me.

Once we got to the club, mom got Kota out of her seat & I grabbed our bags with the boys.

"They were Jimmy's guys." Chibs said & I sighed.

It's never easy.

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