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I was having a bowl of cereal at 3 in the morning & I heard footsteps.

I ran my fingers through my hair & seen Opie walk out shirtless from his room.

"Hey Jadey."

I smiled at him, then groaned in pain.

"Jade, you okay?"

"Holy shit." I growled & held him for support as I slouched over.

My bladder was killing me.

A gust of water fell from me and my eyes widened.

"I'm having the baby." I mumbled, holding my stomach.

"Holy shit."

"Chibs!" He yelled out and I groaned, looking down at the water.

"Ope?" Jax mumbled, walking into the kitchen and Chibs groaned, mumbling, "What do you want Opie?"

Their eyes widened and I focused on my breathing, this shit was hardcore.

"Jade!" Jax yelled, as Chibs grabbed my arms.

He held me against him and I clutched his shoulders as another contraction hit me.

"You're okay baby."

Opie was on the phone to the ambulance & I cried in pain as the contraction finished.

Jax was rubbing my hair back & Chibs held my stomach.

"This fucking kills." I groaned & Chibs sighed.

"It's okay, forget about that. Let's get this little one out."

I nodded and another contraction hit.

"Ow Jesus fucking Christ."

Tara ran out of her bedroom & the guys laid me on the couch.

She grabbed her medical kit & spread my legs.

"I can't be here for this." Jax said, kissing my forehead & walking outside.

"You're 4cm dilated Jade." Tara said & I groaned, feeling another contraction coming.

I sighed & looked up at Chibs.

"I'm done after this one." I whispered, this labour shit sucked.

"You said that after Bronte baby." He laughed and I squeezed his hand from the pain.

"Okay, I believe you this time." He mumbled, grabbing his hand from my grasp & stretching it out.

"Call Tim. On my phone."

Tara ran for my phone & called Tim's number.

"Why?" Chibs asked and I groaned.

"He's an obstetrician, he can deliver this baby."

Tara was on the phone with him & the ambulance arrived.


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