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-- One Year Later --

"Chibs?" I called out, walking into the clubhouse.

"Hey baby." He whispered, putting his beer back on the counter, smiling down at Dakota & grabbing her from my arms.

The guys were all sitting around having beers & I seen Jax with Tara & their boys.

I smiled at them and Chibs kissed my temple.

"How was your day?"

"Yeah good, had a few classes. She didn't have a very good sleep today, half an hour max."

I sighed & looked down at Dakota, smiling.

Sitting in classes while trying to relax her was hard.
I feel like I'm failing my studies & really falling behind.
But I didn't want him to know that, I love spending time with her & I don't want her to have a nanny raise her.
I'm her mom, I raise her.

"It's okay princess, daddy will put you to sleep." He whispered, kissing her forehead as he rested her on his chest, rubbing her little back.

"She's such a beautiful little petal." Tig smiled, rubbing her back, seeing her sleepy little face resting on her dad.

"Definitely gonna be well protected with these two as big cousins." Chibs grinned, seeing Jax's two sons, Abel & Thomas walking over to us.

"Oh yeah, no one will be breaking her heart." Jax laughed, grabbing her from Chibs.

I smiled at my brother & Tara grinned.

"Makes me clucky seeing you with her."

"The bedroom's right back here baby." He grinned and she laughed.

"Maybe next year."

I smiled and Chibs picked up Thomas.

"You gonna look after my Kota when you're bigger mate?"

Thomas laughed and looked at me.

"Aunty." He giggled and Chibs smirked, putting him down.

"She's asleep." Jax smiled, holding our little baby girl in his arms.

My brother was such a good uncle to her.

"How can someone be so perfect?" Bobby smiled, kissing her on the forehead and Chibs grinned.

"Well she is my blood."

I rolled my eyes and everyone laughed as he grinned.

There was a loud noise outside & I turned to see people walking outside to see what it was.

"Stay here." Chibs whispered to me as Jax handed me Dakota & they walked outside too.

"Come on boys, let's see what Chucky has back here." Tara said, leading the boys in Jax's old bedroom.

I laid Dakota on the bed & closed the door to head outside.

I walked past everyone & heard grunting & yelling.

What the heck was going on out here?

I seen Chibs & then looked to the two guys on the ground, punching eachother.

They both had blood spilling from the cuts on their faces & I cringed as I see ones fist connect with the others cheekbone.

That would've hurt.

Chibs yelled out on of their names & tried pulling one guy off the other.

"You son of a bitch!" The guy yelled, laying some hard punches into the other.

"Let's go back inside." Opie said to Tara & I, making us walk in front of him.

"Why are they fighting?" She asked & I looked behind Ope to see Chibs & Jax separating them.

"A bad deal."

I followed Tara back into the clubhouse and sighed, hearing Dakota screaming.

We walked into the bedroom and I grabbed her, seeing Abel holding his fingers in his ear.

I laughed and Tara held him on her hip.

"She too loud baby?" She laughed and he grinned.

"Kota kept crying mama."

I rocked her back to sleep again and heard voices in the club again.

Chibs walked through the door and sighed, looking at Dakota's screaming face.

"Oh sweetheart." He whispered, grabbing her from me.

"Are they okay?" I asked and Tara grabbed the boys with Opie.

I held Thomas on my hip & Jax walked inside.

I sighed & he got Thomas from me.

I looked over at Chibs & smiled at him. Dakota was so tiny in his big hands.

"My god, she's gorgeous." Tara smiled & Bobby walked back in.

"All good?"

I nodded & he put his arm around me.

"I'm heading to bed, night guys."

"Night Jadey."

I walked back into the bedroom & Chibs locked the door behind him.

"I'm so glad this day is over." I smiled & Dakota giggled.

"Hi princess, daddy missed you." He whispered to her & I walked over to him.

"I think she missed you too baby." I grinned, sliding his pants down his legs as he held her.

"And I missed you a lot." I whispered on his dick, starting to jerk him off.

He groaned & I wrapped my lips around it.

He held behind my head and I slid it down my throat.

I moaned & he grabbed a fistful of my hair, fucking my face.

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