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"She's a big fatty this little lady." I laughed, tickling her stomach as I sipped my cup of tea.

Jax grinned & lifted her into his arms as Chibs walked in the clubhouse.

"Hi baby." He mumbled, kissing me then he went to Jax.

"Hi baby girl." He grinned down at his third little baby.

"She loves her uncle Jax." My brother smiled, looking down at Lottie.

"Mommy!" Bronte yelled out & I smiled as they walked in the door with Clay.

"Sh, Lottie is sleeping baby." Chibs whispered to her & I smiled.

"Hi honey, how was your day?"

"Grandpa took us to the park."

"Did you have fun?"

"Went on the big slide."

Chibs smiled & she sat on his lap.


"Yeah missy?"

"I have a boyfriend."

"Nope." He laughed & I grinned.

"What's his name babe?" I asked, grabbing Lottie from Jax & putting her on my boob for a feed.


"Oh god, that even sounds bad." Chibs laughed.

"He's so sweet, I gave him kiss."

My eyes widened & I smiled, Chibs was gonna die.

"You what?" He said, looking down at her.

"Kiss for Teddy."

"No baby, no. Why would you do that?"

"He's my boyfriend, like you're mommy's boyfriend."

I smiled down at her & Chibs looked at me.

"Mommy & I have babies together, you know, you & your sisters. That's why I'm her boyfriend."

"Daddy's my boyfriend because I love him lots." I grinned, pressing my lips on his.

He smiled and I pulled away.

"I'll have babies with Teddy."

Chibs put her head on his chest & smiled.
"When you're 30 you can date him okay?"

"Okay daddy." She nodded & I laughed.

"Don't think she realises." Jax laughed, putting Dakota on his lap as she walked in with Abel.

"What're you two doing?" He asked them.

"Abel's teaching me to fight." She said, holding her fists up in a stance.

"Oh fantastic." I mumbled, seeing Jax grin at me.

They walked back outside & I rubbed my forehead.

"She's really not the girly girl I thought I'd get."

"She's gonna be running the show here with Abel & Thomas that one." Chibs laughed, sitting Bronte on his lap.

"And this one here, oh this one is going to be our dramatic little princess I think." He grinned and she kissed his cheek.

"Hehe princess daddy."

"And this one?"

"Our little terror." Lottie flashed her gums to her daddy & I smiled.

"Our little Irish girls." I said & he laughed.

"Mm my little leprechauns."

I bit my lip & looked down Chibs' shirtless body.

"They have the best daddy."

He looked over to me & grinned.

"Mommy, don't look at me like that unless you wanna get pregnant again."

I grinned & Bronte sat beside him on the couch while I gave Lottie to Jax.

He walked outside with her to find Thomas, Dakota & Abel.


"Mm?" He mumbled, watching the TV.

"Wanna bend me over the kitchen counter?" I whispered, smirking at him.

He grinned & looked up at the ceiling.

"Thank you god." He mumbled & stood up.

I laughed and he grabbed my hand to help me up when Bronte began screaming.

We both looked down & seen her with a frog on her arm.

"Baby shh, it's just a little frog." Chibs laughed at her & I sighed, holding her.

She kept screaming & I swear I was going tone deaf.


He smiled & grabbed her off me.

"Bront baby it's okay, stop crying."

"There was a spider."

"A frog baby, it was a little frog."

"It bit me." She cried & I started laughing.

"Oh mom is being so immature." He mumbled, pushing me back on the couch.

"Mommy stop it." She screamed & I tried to hide my smile behind a pillow.

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