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"I need you to talk to Chibs." I sighed, sitting across from my brother at the bar.

"Why?" He asked, giving me a look & I smiled.

"To wrap him around the idea of another baby." I grinned, making his eyes widen.

"You're pregnant again?"

I nodded and Jax smiled.

"Congrats Jadey." He grinned, hugging me.

"I'm really excited, but I'm a little worried about Chibs."

"Chibsy's gonna be happy too, he adores Kota. He just had to wrap his head around the idea."

"Well, he kind of only wanted one because he said, he's only getting older & doesn't want to be dead before they're teens." I laughed, quoting the Irish man I grew to love & adore.

"He might be a little surprised, but he'll definitely be happy about it."

I smiled at the thought of his reaction and we walked out of the clubhouse.

I seen my car driving into the lot & instantly smiled.

Chibs took Dakota to the park with Tara & their boys for a little play date.

They all got out of the car & I grinned.

"God he's such a hot dad." I mumbled & Jax pushed me gently.

"Yuck." He laughed and I grinned, walking up to Chibs.

"Hi baby. How was the park?"

"Hey, we had so much fun today didn't we sweetheart?" He smiled, kissing her forehead.

I pressed my lips on his and he wrapped his arm around my waist.

I smiled and put my hands on either side of his cheeks, pushing my body up to his.

"I missed you." I whispered, gently biting his lip.

"Mm, seems like it." He mumbled on my lips, pulling me closer to him.

"I've gotta talk to you about something." I whispered, pulling away from him.

"Yeah?" He asked, looking down at me.

"We gotta go Chibs." Jax yelled out & I groaned.

"Later?" He whispered on my lips & I smiled.

"I'll come back for some more of this." He grinned & kissed me again, then left me with Dakota and got on his bike.

I watched them drive off & walked over to Tara.

"What's your plans for the day?"

"I was gonna head out for some shopping, you wanna come?"

"Sure, give me ten & I'll get changed."

She smiled and I quickly took Dakota inside for a bottle & to change.

We walked back outside & Gloria was there.

I walked outside & glared at her.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to visit my cousins."

"Mm, you can go now." I said & she sighed.

"Come on Jade, I just wanna talk."

"No, get out of our garage."

Gemma walked outside & Gloria smiled.

"Hi aunt Gemma."

"Don't aunt Gemma me you little bitch."

"Wow, that was unnecessary."

Mom rolled her eyes and I smiled.

"I feel like I showed you last time that you weren't welcome here."

Tara walked outside & looked between us.


"Hi I'm Gloria."

"She's nobody."

"Oh." Tara said, holding Dakota as her boys stood beside her.

"Come on little cuz." She grinned at me and I smiled.

I took a few steps closer to her & smirked.

"I'll happily show you the way out of here Gloria."

"Don't forger you're younger than me."

"Don't forget I've kicked your ass before."

She glared at me & I raised an eyebrow.

She shoved me back & I walked back up to her.

"You're gonna regret that."

I put a fist up and smacked her across the face & she stumbled backwards.

After a few more hits she fell to the floor & I grinned.

I straddled her body & kept into her as I heard Tara gasp.

"Should we stop her?" She asked Gemma and I kept digging into Gloria's face.

"The bitch deserves it." Gemma said back to her, watching on.

Gloria got a few into me, but my blood was boiled to the point where I just wanted to see her dead.

I could taste the blood in my mouth & her face was bruised up, cut & bloody.
She looked terrible.
Made me feel good.

I heard the bike engines pull into the garage & we kept fighting.

"Jade!" Chibs yelled, but I couldn't focus on him.

I needed to hurt this bitch.
It was an easy let off for what she's done to our family.

Jax stood beside Tara & Chibs wrapped his arms around me, pulling me off Gloria.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled, wiping her lip & I glared at her.

"Sorry doesn't bring my brother back. I'm telling you right now, if you ever come back here, next time I'll be burying you alive in the middle of the woods. You got it Gloria? Never come back here."

"I have no other family."

"I don't care."

"Please Jade."

"Get your ass off my fucking property." Jax yelled & she sighed.

"I mean it Gloria, next time, you won't be going home." He said & she walked back to her car.

How different life would've been if Thomas (our brother) was still here.

"It's okay Jadey." Jax whispered & I sighed.

"Why does she keep coming back here? She killed our brother."

"I know, she won't come back ever again."

I cried and Chibs picked me up.

"You're okay sweetheart."

I laid my head in the crook of his neck & he walked me inside.

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