Chapter 24: Something Wicked This Way Comes

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Twenty-eight days before the Outbreak

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Twenty-eight days before the Outbreak.

In the middle of the woods, cars and bikes had been parked around some kind of circus tent. Circle of lights twirled inside while Go to Hell by Dolly Parton played from sirens. Dozens of people were sat on pews as they clapped along with the music. A few of them had shirts with Jesus or a saint on it. In front of them, a stage made of mesquite wood held a small altar with a giant turquoise crucifix lined with diamonds. 

"My lost brothers and sisters, are you ready to greet Father Richard Blackmore?" echoed a disembodied voice.

A universal "Yes!" boomed from the audience.

Curtains of smoke erupted from under the floorboards. Red and orange spotlights beamed on a tall silhouette. Hoots came out of the crowd as a handsome man appeared. His hair was golden blonde while his teeth were of a flawless white. He wore on a white suit with a purple stola.

"Satan, suck my dick!" he shouted in his mic.

Claps and rattles from tambourines invaded the tent. The man smirked and watched his audience.

"My lost lambs, do you want to be healed?" Richard asked.

A clamour of "Yes!" exploded.

"Then, step under the lights of God!" he exclaimed. "Come on up and testify!"

An old man with a cane and a woman with a cigarette in her mouth walked on the stage.

"I can't walk properly since last year," the old man said.

"That's because you still have one foot on the Devil's path," the handsome man grabbed his cane away. "Do you swear to follow the way to Heaven?"

The old man nodded before Richard kicked him in the right leg. 

"As long you have faith, you'll be able to walk!" Blackmore shouted.

A woman pushed the old man away and grabbed Richard by the hands.

"I cannot stop smoking!" she screamed. "Please help me!"

Richard observed as the old man limped off the stage. Then he gestured at another woman to his right.

"Sister Summer, bring me Levi," Richard told her.

The cloaked woman nodded and brought a scaled belt out of cage. When she stepped out of the darkness, the belt was revealed to be a coral snake.  Blackmore took the snake in one of his hands and used the other to choke the smoker. 

"Do you reject Satan?" he asked.

The woman yelped in fear as Richard put the snake on her face.

"Do you reject Satan?!" he asked louder.

The audience cheered and stood up. "Reject Satan!" they shouted in unison.

"I-I reject him," she said in weak voice. "I reject Satan!"

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