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Jack's POV

I never really noticed Elsa Winters until fourth year. Before that she was invisible, blending in with the crowd. And that was cool and all, but I was-and still am- the type of guy to do what he wants, and say what he wants. Then in the middle of fourth year, Elsa withdrew from everyone else. She didn't touch anybody, let alone talk to anybody. So romance was out of the cards for her. But I-Jack Frost- had almost every girl at Hogwarts head over heels for me. Except Merida, Rapunzel, Anna, and yes-Elsa. I was curious about Elsa. I knew the first three girls pretty well, but I barely knew her-except for the fact that she was a Ravenclaw and quiet. She was also Anna's sister. Everything else about her was kept behind locked doors. And sooner or later, I was going to unlock them.

I sit at the Slytherin table with Flynn and Astrid. It's the beginning of fifth year, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to hate this year the most-and seventh. Why? Because...

"Excited for OWL's?" Astrid asked, rolling her eyes. Because of those.

"No way. Who wants to spend their evenings studying instead of playing Quidditch?" I scoff. Chaser was my position last year on the team, and I'm definitely trying out this year.

Flynn's eyes drifted to the Ravenclaw table casually. "I'm thinking about a certain platinum blonde who wears gloves all the time," He waits for me to smirk like I usually do. I don't. "Lighten up Jack. You don't want to be like Elsa!" He says it loud enough for Ravenclaw table to hear.

Astrid slaps his arm. "Shut up! She might hear!" She says it through gritted teeth but her eyes look amused. I look over my shoulder to see Elsa reading a book.

"No use. I'm pretty sure she heard," I say it through a bite of egg. No one would believe me if I wanted Elsa to fall in love with me. I'm not saying I have a crush on her, I just want to be acknowledged. Yeah...my pride is too strong.

"Whatever, she's probably heard worse things about her," Astrid says dismissively.

"Yeah," I agree. She probably has. I look at my time table. "We have charms with the Ravenclaws first." Flynn yawns.

"At least I can see Rapunzel there," He gets up and drags me to my feet. Astrid follows us. On the walk to the class, I see Elsa's elaborate bun ahead of me. She always wears gloves and keeps her hair up. I really hate the good girls sometimes.

In class, Mrs. Rose goes on about the importance of OWL's. I'm not really listening, instead I'm watching Elsa while doodling snowflakes on my parchment. Class is boring. Finally, she takes out robins and frogs to practice Silencing Charms on. Honestly, I don't get the point of Charms. I just use my ice magic with my wand.

"What are the words?" I ask Astrid. She gives me a judging look. "Fine, I get it." I say slightly annoyed.

"It's Silencio," A female voice answers. My head jerks up. Wow, Elsa actually talked to me. She barely talks to anyone.

"Thanks," I grin at her, but her eyebrows knit together and she turns around. Did she just reject me? Ouch. Astrid punches me in the arm.

"Stop being such a flirt," She says. "Silencio!" Her robin opens its mouth a squawks defiantly. I stifle a smirk, but it comes out anyway.

"Nice," I'm a sarcastic guy.

"Like you can do any better," Astrid spits back. I'm actually pretty good at magic.

"Bet you a galleon it'll be quiet on my second try," I pull out my wand.

"Bet's on," Astrid says. She can't resist an offer to get money. I take a quick glance at Elsa. Her robins completely silent.

"Silencio!" I point at my frog. It swells up and grows louder. I'm guessing that's incorrect. "Silencio!" The frog shuts up. I look at Astrid with raised eyebrows. She gives me a hostile glare that would have been a lot scarier if I wasn't used to it, and gives me the gold.

"Thank you," I put the coin in my pocket. Homework is to practice and read our fifth year Charms textbook-which I won't do. Flynn isn't even listening, he's too busy flirting with Rapunzel. Next is Defense against the Dark Arts with Quasimodo. He's nice, gives a lot of homework, but nice.

Line Break

After lunch is a free study period. Perfect for cooking up some mischief....or to follow Elsa. I already know where she is, either Ravenclaw tower or the library. I'm guessing the second one.

"I'm going to the library guys," I tell Merida, Hiccup, Flynn and Rapunzel.

"Bless my soul, Jack's doing something productive?" Flynn drops his jaw for effect.

"No. He just want to spy on Madam Elinor," Rapunzel says. Merida looks disgusted and lightly shoves Rapunzel.

"That's my mother, sicko!" She says outraged.

"Whatever," I run a hand through my hair. "See you!" To look less suspicious I grab my DADA-Defense against the Dark arts- homework and go to the library. There she is. She's sitting far away from everyone there, writing something.

I sit across from her. "Mind if I sit here?" I sit down before she replies, I do that all the time. Elsa looks up at me and nods. Her eyes go back down to her paper. I'm not sure how to bring up conversation. So I just pretend to look confused. It works all the time with Ravenclaws.

Sure enough she asks. "What are you doing?" Her voice is almost in a whisper.

"DADA homework," I show her. "Counter-jinxes." She's silent for a few seconds.

"Need some help?" She puts down her quill. I'm aware of how her eyes never meet mine, they flick everywhere else though. Ravenclaws are predictable when it comes to academics.

"Sure," I smile. She moves beside me and pulls out a text book. She skims past pages until it reaches to a picture of jelly leg jinx.

"Okay, so. Here it says that a counter-jinx is a type of counter spell that removes the effects of a jinx. It's different from an anti-jinx; because anti-jinxes are to prevent jinxes. So if we're-" Elsa starts. But I stop her.

"Hey Elsa, why do you wear gloves?" I ask. Her eyes widen slightly in something-fear.

"Um- if we're talking about a jelly legs jinx, you have to use a counter-jinx to stop the effect. But an anti-jinx is-um- like Protego. It's a shield that prevents physical-" Elsa changes the subject completely. I'm confused and intrigued. What's up with her?

"Elsa?" I'm persistent. She straightens and gives me a look.

"Did you come for help? Or did you come to talk to me? Because if it's the second one I think I'm going to Ravenclaw tower." She stands up and grabs her bag. I get up on my feet also and try to stop her. I miss her hand and she leaves.

"Okay, Elsa. Sorry," I say, running up to her.

"Can I be alone?" She asks, and there's a trace of aggression in her voice. I back off. I know when a girl gets too pissed.

"Yeah sure," I watch her go and start thinking about how to get her to forgive me.

Elsa's POV

Conceal. Come on, it isn't that hard. Don't feel, fear makes it worse. Don't let it show, or who knows what will happen. I can't help it. My book bag has frost creeping over the bottom.

I really need to get this under control.

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