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Jack's POV

Doesn't it usually rain at funerals? Nope. It rains at a ball. A ball in which I'm excited for. It'll be fun, I'll be with Elsa. I fiddle with my suit. Ugh. How do Muggles wear these? Whatever, almost every boy will be wearing this. Flynn looks perfectly comfortable in his and is talking to Rapunzel. She looks good, her hair is in a braid with flowers and she's wearing a purple dress. Anna is here too with that boy Hans. She wears an off-shoulder dress with a black bodice and green dress. I nod at her and she comes over with Hans. Out of the corner of my eye I see Kristoff looking unhappily at them. He's with Paige Baker.* A sweet, bubbly redhead, but he looks very unhappy next to the Hufflepuff. Hiccup is with Merida who's just wearing a simple green dress. Hiccup actually dressed up. Astrid is pretty in silver but she's scowling at Snotlout who's hitting on her. I don't know what his problem is; he's dressed in furs and that type of stuff.

"Hey Jack! Who are you going with?" Anna asks cheerfully. Hans just nods at me.

"Oh...Elsa," I say cautiously. Everyone heard about the sisters' fight. I watch as Anna's face drops. Her eyes sinking in sadness.

"Oh yeah, about that, can you tell her that I'm sorry for what I said?" Teal eyes look at me hopefully. I can't say no when she looks like she's about to cry.

"Of course," I tell her. Her face shows obvious relief and she turns to Hans.

"C'mon, let's go. Thanks Jack!" Anna weaves through the crowd, Hans getting dragged by the strawberry blonde. I chuckle and look up at the stairs for Elsa. My heart stops. She. Looks. Freaking. Beautiful. Her hairs in a side braid with ice flowers in it. Heavy make-up is on her face, with purple eye shadow. I take a closer look at her dress. Yep. She made it. It's an ice-blue, off-shoulder dress with a slit on the right, complete with a cape. I realize I'm gaping at her like an idiot and go to the end of the stairs. She smiles when she sees me and I notice quite a lot of other guys are staring at her too. Elsa accepts my arm-which I held out for her- and we just start dancing. She's good at it, she learned fast. We're pretty close, I can smell her. Peppermint. She smells like peppermint and a winter day. God, it's addicting.

"You look great," I tell her. "Beautiful actually." Elsa blushes and her eyes flicker a tiny bit away from mine.

"Thanks," She looks back at me sort of shyly. I supress a grin, she's got me wrapped around her little finger.

"I don't want to be the bearer of bad news but-"


"I got some bad news," I say gently. Elsa bites her lip and leans her head against my shoulder. I didn't know we danced that close. I almost freeze in shock, but manage to keep dancing.

"Can you tell me tomorrow? I'd rather not hear anything bad right now," Elsa asks, he voice soft. Peppermint swirls around my head. That smell...It makes me want to do something bold. Really bold. I imagine Elsa and me kissing passionately....I want to do it so bad....wait. Stop. We're doing it right now. I didn't realize I leaned in to kiss her, but I did. Holy, she's kissing back. Holy crap.

Elsa's POV

When we break away, I feel dizzy. I stare up at Jack who looks as confused as I feel.

"What-?" I say awkwardly.

"I don't know...."Jack trails off and we stare at each other before I break away.

"Let's sit down," I almost take his hand before I look at my un-gloved hand. I pull my hand away and bite my lip. Jack takes my hand. I flinch.

"You don't have to be so afraid, Elsa. Just live your life," I shake my head. If I let go...if I become myself...what are the chances of someone getting hurt because if it was me? I could never forgive myself if I hurt Anna, Jack, Hiccup or the others. I couldn't live with myself. My father knew about my powers. I remember the last words he told me before I went on the train.

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