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Flynn's POV

A month. A month since the ball and now she shuts everyone out. Well...except Punzie, Anna and me. I'm pretty sure Jack took that the wrong way, because now he's ignoring me. Bummer. Whatever, I will survive. Plus, I know about Elsa's ice castle and she lets me in whenever I want to come in. That girl knows how to impress a guy. Of course, Jack moved on and so did life. It was now almost December, and things were getting festive. Elphaba isn't very cheerful, but she does love Christmas. Secretly. It's just that she has a reputation to uphold.

"Elsa?" I'm in her ice palace, and though it may look cool, it's cold in here. I travel upstairs and go to the left where her bedroom is. She's sitting at the desk she made a week ago. On it, books are piled up and pictures.

"Hi," She murmurs. I notice that her hair isn't perfect as usual and instead is just in a messy bun. Odd. Something bad had to happen for her to drop her façade. Then again, she was alone until I popped in. She seems tired and frustrated, so I cautiously go to her. Call me silly, but I'm afraid if I do a sudden move, she'll blast me into the wall. Well...I'm not as afraid when I see a tear on her face.

"What's up?" I walk closer and see two letters under her elbows, which are propped up on the desk with her head in her hands. Without a word, she flings the letters at me. The first one is from her father.

Dear Elsa,

I heard about your slip-up and I'm very disappointed in you. I would kick you out of home if Anna didn't beg me not to. So it's decided that you'll stay in our smaller summer castle over the breaks. Hopefully the isolation will help you realize how irresponsible you were.

A loving and caring father,


I almost crumpled the letter in his fist. Loving and caring? Yeah right!

"I'm sorry," I stood by her expectantly and she made a chair for him with a sigh. She shakes her head a tiny bit while biting softly on her lip.

"I don't understand why..." She trails off and wipes at one of her eyes. Time to make her feel better? How though? Well...I know. She needs to know that other people understand her pain. Getting ostracized by people close to you sucks. And I know how it feels.

"Can I tell you a secret that only Punzie and I know?" I try to keep my voice light but it doesn't work. Elsa sniffs and nods.

"My real name is Eugene Fitzherbert. I was a difficult child and my mom kept going to parties with fellow witches and getting drunk. My father left when I was four. When I was eight I stood up to my mother," It's hard to talk about this. Going back to old pains. "She sent me to an orphanage. I dealt with the pain by running away from each orphanage. I tried to entertain myself by making each plan crazier than before. That's when I realized I couldn't keep running away. I had to face my problems eventually. So I cleaned up my act. Then Headmistress Elphaba came and the rest is history," I sigh. My motto was to never go back, never relive the bad things in life. But to go forward, is to take a step backwards, I guess. My mother...I don't even know where she is right now. I should find her. Elsa rubs her eyes and looks up at me.

"Really?" She asks. "Or are you just saying that to make me feel better?"

I put a hand over my heart. "I swear that's the truth."

"Good. Now look at the second letter," She gives me a tiny smile then begins to fix her hair.

Dear Elsa Winters,

It has been a while since your "incident." I believe we should have a talk. I do believe you know the way to my office, as you have been there before-

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