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Elsa's POV

I watch as Flynn and Rapunzel kiss. Finally, they reunited! Everyone seems to be in some state of joy, and Jack runs to me and we kiss. He's okay and Anna's okay, that's all that matters now. When we separate, a big smile is on my face that I can't remove. Jack's eyes look at my lips and a faint blush goes over my cheeks. He smirks.

"Why so happy?" His eyebrows raise as if he doesn't know. Rolling my eyes, I playfully hit his shoulder.

"You know why," I reply.

"Yeah, I do," His grin slowly fades when he looks behind me. Worried, I turn my head and see a very familiar green girl crying on the ice. She's curled up and for once I don't see our headmistress Elphaba-I see an innocent women who has seen too much in the world and now can't bear it. Quiet sobs rake through the cheers of everyone else. Her eyes look heart broken and ready to shatter, her hands are clutching to something hanging from her neck. Squinting, I find that it's a locket. A picture of Fiyero, a young boy, a dog, and Glinda is in it. Hands digging into the sharp edges of the locket, Elphaba just lets the tears burn into her face. I recall Pitch screaming that he killed her husband. Oh, Elphaba...a broken heart is one of the hardest things to mend. Especially for people like Elphaba and me; we put up walls around our hearts but when someone breaks them, we just can't put those walls up for that person anymore. So our hearts are evasive to most people, which may come off as strange, but when they've been captured they're stuck that way basically. When our hearts break though, we barely get over it. It's rare to. I take a deep breath when I think of my mother. But that can't compare to Elphaba's pain. Her father hated her and blamed her for her mother's death, she was discriminated, she lost Fiyero, and how many other people? No, my misery pales to Elphaba's. God knows how she stayed strong through all these years. My heart sinks by just watching her.

Jack spares me a glance. "Wait right here." Cautiously, he approaches the distraught Elphaba. Glinda and I watch, all we can do is watch. Even if I know exactly how she feels, I'm paralyzed.

"Elphaba?" No response. Jack hesitates before saying the net thing. "F-fae?" Elphaba stiffens, and slowly looks up at Jack.

"Don't call me that, please don't call me that," She cries even more if that was even possible.

"Elphaba, listen. I know what it's like to lose a loved one, my sister Mary when she was only a kid..." He swallows. Jack has never told me this before, but I understand the moment I see the pain in his eyes. "And, you have to live with it. Stay strong because –however cheesy this may sound- that's what they would have wanted. If your loved ones truly loved you, they would have wanted you to keep living. To explore and learn. And..." He's at a loss for words and looks at me. I smile sadly at him. The smile melts though when I see darkness slam into Elphaba and hear the whisper everyone hears.

I'm still here. A master at illusions.

That voice...Elphaba screams and blasts the darkness away. Eyes wide, I tense as the black goes to Jack.

Elphaba's POV

Darkness, I let the darkness seep in me. My demons attack me, one by one. First is my father, his face is creased, anger in his eyes. One hand clutching a cross hanging around his neck, his other hand clenched in a fist. He screams at me, and I duck. Little me ducks anyway. I'm watching me as a child. This was after I accidentally let Nessa hurt herself. A punch flies towards my nose. Ducking too late, my nose bleeds and stings. Next is mother. Her death replays. Grief and sorrow strikes me quickly and it lingers like the smell of rain. Third is me learning to control my powers and burning my entire arm with water. Living in constant fear like Elsa did, except I was a bit more rebellious. Then here comes the discrimination. All just because of my skin colour. The pushing, the mud puddles, and the taunts and mocking. There goes the green girl-look at the injuries. And not a single tear was shed by her. The next one opens a fresher wound, Fiyero. Our first date replays, our marriage, and our sons birth. Then he's gone, just like that. Liir is gone too, with the dog Fiyero and I bought together. Finally, I replay Pitch's "death." That son of a bitch. A tsunami roars in my mind, in my fear, I use the light to blast it away.

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