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Elphaba's POV

"We have to do the fight with Pitch before I explode," I confide in Glinda and Nessa.

"Why?" Glinda asks. We're in my office, me pacing back and forth. Nessa is sitting serenely, Glinda levitating a cup so Nessa can drink.

"Father's so proud of you Fabala even if he's gone, and so is the Unnamed God. And...so am I! You can't die, you can't leave me alone!" Nessa shakes her head in agitation. Tears spark in her eyes while Glinda fights back a few of her own. Fighting the temptation to get off topic, I keep talking.

"When I'm about to explode-"


"Glinda, let me talk. When I'm about to explode I can summon Pitch to me and convert the dark energy to light energy. That'll kill him," The idea of dying kind of scares me. But I'll do it to protect the students. Suddenly, a rush of panic overwhelms me. It's a feeling I'm not used to, anxiety, not knowing what to do. I can almost not breathe, my hands are trembling.

Nessa reads me like a book. "Fabala. It's okay. You'll be fine. Please don't panic! There has to be another way!"

I frown, impatient with their desperation. "Nessa. You need to understand what's at stake here. It's either me or the students."


"I have to die for this to work!" Fed up, I let all my emotions go into these words. "There's no way to control this permanently!"

"This is so unfair! Why can't you live and beat Pitch? Your powers are almost as advanced! I don't have arms, my parents are dead, and you're leaving me!" She's on the verge of a tantrum.

"I have to stop Pitch. Only I can, okay? Listen, Nessa. I have to die to stop him. Chistery, get off the balcony edge! So can you guys accept that?"

"Not just you can stop him," Glinda says quietly. I'm actually surprised she didn't speak earlier.

"What?" Quickly turning around, I face her.

"The power advancing potion?"

Even with my green skin, I pale. Emerald turns to mint. Brown eyes widen. Remembering my bad experience with that potion leaves me scowling. "Glin. No."

"Maybe Elsa or Sandy?" Glinda pleads. "They won't explode."

Fiddling with my hair, I shake my head resolutely. The two concede even if there's a glint in Glinda's eyes I don't like.

Glinda's POV

This potion only takes about twenty minutes to make. Thank god too. It's a light blue for ice advancement. Going behind Elphie's back isn't my favourite thing to do in the world, but I have to do it! Plus Elsa would understand...right? Done! Taking a flask of pumpkin juice, I dip it into the potion. When I put it in, the potion slowly disappears with the tiniest bit of ice that vanishes. Frowning, I do it again and again until the cauldron is empty. Huge power boosts are good...right? As fast as my heels can carry, I run to the station. There I find Elsa trying to yank her luggage away from Jack.

"I'm perfectly capable of carrying it myself, Jack," She protests. Taking a moment of young love bliss, I run up to Elsa.

"Miss Glinda?" Anna asks, who is just getting out.

"Jack's right. You look a bit pale. Fancy a drink?" I dangle the flask in front of her nose. Her eyebrows raise. "I insist!" Startled she takes a sip. Then another. I push her on and she finishes.

Automatically, I do a hair flip. "Thanks, darling. I'm afraid I must take my leave now!" Skipping away, I leave behind a very confused Elsa.

Elsa's POV

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