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Astrid's POV

I lie down on my bed frustrated and having a short fuse. I'm sick of hearing about the ball! I don't have a date, I don't have a dress, I don't have anything! Ugh! There's nothing to do really, which is disappointing.

"Astrid!" Jack yells from below the girl's dormitory.

"What?" Whatever he's going to say it better be good; or I'll send ten flying axes at him.

"Quidditch tryouts in ten minutes!" Jack leaves and I sit bolt upright. Quidditch! I grab my Nimbus 2001 and run down. I pass by Esmeralda and grab her arm.

"Quidditch tryouts!" I tell her. She nods and runs to get her Cleansweep 11. I wait for her impatiently then we run down to the pitch together. I stop running when I'm next to Jack, out of breath I listen to Meg-our Quidditch Captain- and watch tryouts for Keeper. Few people are here. Most of them are our friends. Anna, Kristoff, Sandy, Hiccup, Merida, Rapunzel and Elsa. I notice Elsa sits a bit farther away from the others and is reading a book while munching on an apple. Nice how she opened up a bit to me.

"That was terrible!" Meg shouts as Jasmine slips. "Next!" Slytherin tryouts are the most brutal ones, but we want to have the best team, and I'm all for that. Phoebus blocks 5/5 shots easily. Meg runs him again and he gets 4/5 shots.

"Keeper found," She tells the crowd and some people disappear, looking very unhappy. I'm trying to be beater with Flynn.

Meg adjusts her ponytail. "Seekers!" Trial after trial. Meg scowls when a sixth year almost hits the goalpost. Finally Aladdin-a sixth year- is chosen.

"This is taking longer than I thought," I murmur to Esmeralda.

"Yeah," She replies.

"Beaters!" Meg shouts. I go up after Ariel. She hits 3/5.

"Okay relax. Stay cool," I tell myself before I go on my broomstick. I grin as the wind pushes against my face gently.

"Go!" Meg shouts. The first bludger soars at me and I whack it as hard as I can at the target dummy. The bludger hits its leg then flies back to me. I twist my boom and speed past it. It comes for my skull and I hit it. It hits the arm. 2/5 right now...

I do a move I perfected over the summer. I stand up on my broom and let the bludger come straight at my chest. I flip over it, land on my broom and whack it. Hit the stomach. I sit normally on my broom and go up. The bludger comes and I doge it and hit it. Neck.

"One more!" Meg shouts. I need to make this one impressive. I fly down and the bludger comes. I do a turn around the dummy and the ball hits its neck again. Now! I jump off my broom and hit the bludger doing a summersault in the air to land on my broom properly. I fly down exhausted.

"One beater found!" Meg shouts. I grin. I did it. I did it. Later, the overall team looks like this:

Chasers: Meg, Jack, Stitch

Beaters: Astrid, Flynn

Seeker: Aladdin

Keeper: Phoebus

I take extra portions of food that night, grinning like a madman.

Hiccup's POV

I wait outside of the greenhouses, nervous. I told Astrid and Merida to meet here. Merida and Astrid arrive at the same time, Astrid's expression hard to read and Merida's calm.


"Oh, hi."

"Hello Haddock."

"Don't call me that," I tell Merida. I look at both girls now. Both so alike but yet so different. I look at both of them.

"I thought about it and I choose..."

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