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Elsa's POV

I pace back and forth at the entrance of the Great Hall. Jack was supposed to meet me here ten minutes ago. Did he stand me up? The thought of that rips at my heart slightly. Well, I did shut him out for a month. My hand goes into my pocket full of Galleons to check if they're there. Anna walks by with Punzie and gives me a sympathetic look.

"You want to come with us?" Anna asks. I smile and shake my head.

"I'll wait two more minutes," I reply. "But thanks." Anna nods and leaves. One minute passes by....two....three...

"Hi," Jack runs up to me, sweaty. "I'm sorry. Meg held us longer for Quidditch and-" I touch his arm.

"Its fine, Jack. Let's just go," We go down to Hogsmeade in silence. Not awkward silence, comfortable silence. When we're approaching the village, I notice that my hand was intertwined with Jack's the whole time. He must have noticed too because he quickly lets go. Feeling slightly hurt, I lead him to Magical Menagerie.

"What are you looking for?" Jack ducks as a barn owl flies over him.

"A cat," I say as he ducks for the same owl.

"That owl is crazy," He comments. "A cat? Cool. Let's go to the cat section." I nod and we go to the left and to another room to the right. There's about ten people in here, but the room is huge. It was dark, with no windows or light. The only light was from holes in the ceiling and walls. Without thinking, I grab Jack's hand so I don't lose him. He looks at me with arched eyebrows and I turn away.

"Color?" He asks.

"White," I reply. "Or grey."

"Very winter-ish," He teases.

"I know," I say simply. In the crowd, we bump into Vanessa. She's purchasing a black cat with long fur.

"Vanessa," I acknowledge her. Her gaze goes from my face to Jack's hand holding mine. She just curls her upper lip and pushes past us.

"Why does she hate me?" Maybe Jack will know the answer.

He looks around us before replying. "Well, her first boyfriend cheated on her with a platinum blonde like you. She also has blue eyes. But that's where the similarities stop. So you're like a bad reminder for Vanessa. The other platinum blonde was rude, sneaky and selfish. Not like you. You're the complete opposite." I blush and suddenly find interest in my shoes. The way he flirts with me in any answer he gives me confuses me, but it also feels....nice? My eyes finds two certain ones and I drag Jack over to them. One is a beautiful female white cat who's sitting. The other is a grey and white tabby tom who's playing with a toy mouse.

"Which one?" I ask. Jack kneels down and looks at both of them in the eye. With him holding hands with me and all, I need to get down too. The female looks at both of us warily while the tom abandons the mouse and gets his paw out of the cage to bat my nose.

"That one. He likes you already," Jack points at the male.

"Thanks," I rub a finger over his paw and give him a smile. We stand up and carry his cage. Once we get to the main room his ears prick up and he lets out a small meow. I laugh and catch Jack staring at me, a smile on his face.

"What?" I ask, self-conscious.

"Nothing," He just shakes his head, still smiling and turns away. "I'll get a bed and litter box and you get cat food, toys and brushes?" I agree. It takes an agonizing long time for him to choose a food he likes, and it had to be the third most expensive brand. Brushes was easy and so were toys. He seemed interested in a toy that was a square box with holes around it. Mice would pop out of some and it was supposed to give him more exercise. Of course, he liked the toy mice. There were also some balls. He was fairly small actually. Jack met me at the line. When we reached the front, the witch smiled at the cat.

"Oh, hi Hibernis," She cooed. The cat meowed. She caught both of us looking. "He was born underweight and I spent a lot of time taking care of him. He soon got enough weight but he's tiny. Even after a year he's small. I'll be sorry to see him go, but I can tell you guys will take good care of him. Are you dating?"

I look down at my shoes. "Hopefully soon," Jack laughs. "We've been bouncing back and forth." The woman nodded and gave us papers concerning Hibernis' birth and details about him. When we left I read over the paper.

"Why Hibernis?" Jack asked. "What does that mean?"

"Winter in Latin," I answer. "He's supposed to be very mischievous, fun-loving and energetic. Sounds like the cat version of you." Jack snatches the paper and skims the page until he finds the part I'm looking at.

"Yeah. I'm really sweet, caring, charming and handsome," He smirks at me. "Thanks for leaving out the more endearing traits in me." I grin.

"Well I should be going now, thanks for everything," I give him a peck on the cheek.

"You don't want to grab a drink or any-" Hibernis lets out a grumpy meow, interrupting him.

"Sorry, I should take him to my castle. He must be claustrophobic. Maybe next time," Sneaking a peek at Hibernis tells me that he's uncomfortable with the tight spaces. His green-yellow eyes show obvious impatience.

"I'll go with you then," His arm goes around my shoulders.

"If you want," His eyes meet mine for a second. A bit flustered I lead him down the path. We'll be all alone in that castle. What could happen? I notice that it starts snowing heavily?

"What's wrong?" Jack asks, catching a flake.


At the castle, we let him out in my room with the doors closed. He starts investigating the moment we let him out. Since he's running, he starts sliding across the room. I hold back a laugh and make a carpet of soft snow by the foot of my bed for stability. Jack chuckles as Hibernis begins checking out the carpet.

"They weren't lying about him being energetic," He says, setting up the litter box. We spend too much time playing with him because it's nightfall when Jack gets ready to leave. Unfortunately, there's a blizzard outside. Hibernis tries to check it out by going out on the balcony but I close the doors.

"Guess I'm staying here," Jack shrugs like it doesn't matter.

"Yeah," I'm uncomfortable with him staying the night here. "I guess I'll make another room, or at least another bed."

"Its fine, I don't want to impose. Or cause any trouble."

"I'll need another guest room anyway. So I-Wait. You just want to sleep in the same bed as me." My cheeks flush.

"Maybe. And what if you need help with Hibernis during the night."

"You're-um- you're using a cat as an excuse?"

Jack pouts, doing puppy dog eyes. "Yes."


"Well if it makes you uncomfortable...." His face is slightly pink and there's a hurt look in his eyes. He's purposely making me feel guilty.

"Fine," I sigh. I change my robes to a dressing gown with a snowflake pattern (powers) and pet Hibernis to calm my nerves.

"Thanks," His eyes look me over and I blush even more. "What are you so insecure about, Elsa? You're beautiful. Most girls would kill for long legs like yours and your figure. Your eyes are really big and there's a light in them that won't go out. Not to mention your eyelashes are really long and entrancing. Your nose, your lips your freckles, your neck....and don't get me started on your hair." Does he have to be so blunt about it? I freeze while taking my hair out of its bun. He goes behind me and runs my hair under his fingers. His touch is gentle, fingers lightly going over the waves.

"It's just hair Jack. And you don't need to lie to make me feel better." My cheeks feel hot as I slip under the bed covers. The last thing he says before he falls asleep is:

"I wouldn't lie to you, Elsa. I never will." He kisses the back of my neck before drifting to sleep with me in his arms. The heat makes me drowsy, and the last thing I recall before submitting to sleep in Hibernis jumping on my pillow and curling up. I had a dreamless sleep and probably would have slept longer. If it wasn't for Anna's scream of surprise.

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