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Elsa POV

I sit in Ravenclaw tower, looking at the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw. I finished my homework already, and was bored. Very bored. I have barely any friends, and barely talk to anyone, but I can talk to Milo. He knows when to be quiet, and when to laugh. Also, we're great opponents for chess.

"Chess?" I ask him. He closes his book and nods. Instead of playing wizard chess, we usually play Muggle's chess. Why? Because I prefer that way. I like to think that there's something I can actually control in my life. The gloves don't help. Not at all. That's why I lock myself behind locked doors. The closest thing I come to feelings is fear. And the fear only makes it worse. I'm dimly aware of Milo taking a pawn.

"You okay? You look pale," Milo comments. I take a breath and capture his pawn.

"I'm fine," Not on the outside or inside. I've been pretty good about hiding my emotions. But my façade started to slip when...when Jack came into the library. How ironic is it that I control frost, ice, and snow-but the one person I'm sick of has Frost for a last name? I try not to think, but a storm of emotions hurts my chest. All of them tangled up, covered with fear and anxiety. I bite my lip. Don't feel. Don't feel. But the fears keep coming back-and it was like Jack triggered them. He caught me off guard. I was relaxed in the library, calm. Until he had to show his arrogant face. More emotions get knotted inside me.

"You look...scared," Milo examines me. I get up.

"I'm fine, it's nothing. I just need to get some fresh air," I apologize. "Sorry."

Milo watches me leave. I don't know where to go, I feel like I'm suffocating in my emotions. Keep your head down....be a good girl. Breathe in....breathe out. I shove past a bunch of six years and head down the path to the Forbidden Forest.

"C'mon Merida!" A boy's voice comes down from the entrance of the Forest. I fix my bun. I'll just walk right past them, head down, it's not my business. I'm just walking on the grounds. Probably to the gamekeeper's cabin. I haven't seen Quasimodo* in a while. He's a gentle guy, with an unfortunate hunchback. I walk down, eyes down, but I glance up when I hear him.

"You beat me Merida," Jack admits. He turns and blue eyes meet blue. Then I turn and keep walking. Hiccup, Anna, Merida, Jack, and Astrid are climbing trees.

"Hey Elsa! Want to join?" Anna calls to me. Sweet Anna, who never gave up on me joining her friends. I give her a small smile.

"No thanks! I'm seeing Quasi!" I honestly would love to join, but my powers....

Jack jumps down from the tree. "I'll come. Haven't seen him yet this year," He walks up to me. I try to cover my dismay. I would really not want company with me. Only Quasi knows about my power, and he always knows how to help.

"Yeah, let's all go," Merida climbs down to me, dragging Hiccup. I blink.

"All of you?" I ask, my voice quiet.

"Why not?" Hiccup says, and he starts to lead the way. I push ahead of him, not really in the mood for socializing. Then Jack runs next to me. Great.

"Sorry for what happened in the library," He's not really apologizing, he smirks at me. I have to admit: Jack Frost is good looking, it's just...him that I can't stand. The air around us goes colder.

"Yeah, it's fine," I stare at the ground. Cold is not good, cold is not good.....I wrap my arms around myself and shake my head slightly. Control it!

"Cold?" Jack puts an arm around me. I stiffen and he takes it off.

"No. I'm just not feeling well today," I give him a glare. "And...don't touch me." Even if I hate Jack, I don't want to turn him into an ice statue.

"Fine, fine. Sometimes it's hard to resist," He's flirting with me? I refuse to play this game of his and my hands tighten around my arms.

"Well resist it," I snap. He smirks at me. Crap.

"Well, it's hard okay? You're like the prettiest girl at the school," He winks. I shove him.

Annoyed, little snowflakes begin to fall. "You say that to every girl," I look up at the snow. It's getting stronger, and harder to control. A fresh wave of panic washes over me. I need to get out of here. I look back and see Hiccup looking at the flakes.

"No, but they're around the same lines," Jack's voice is arrogant, and he runs a hand through his hair.

"Then go flirt with someone else," The snows falling faster. "I'm going." I begin to run, I can't let people get to me like that! Otherwise who knows what I might cause? A blizzard? I manage to slow down the snow. In...out...

"Elsa!" Anna catches up with me. "You okay? Everyone's worried about you!" I catch the flicker of worry in her eyes and guilt begins to rise in me too. I hug her, controlling myself.

"Sorry about that. Just a headache," I do have one. And my chest hurts from holding in those emotions.

"It's okay. See ya! Tell me if you want me to come!" Anna dashes off. I watch her leave, and that's when I catch eyes with Jack again. He's so annoying! I wait until I'm out of anyone's sight and let a bit of my power come out. My annoyance leaves as a surge of icicles cover a tree. Sharp and huge. I don't know why this happened to me. I start my journey back to Ravenclaw tower, but change my mind and go down to the docks. Isolation.

Jack's POV

Wow, Elsa was pissed. I'm a little bit guilty so I leave Quasi's house early and go back to find Elsa. That's when I see the huge icicles on a tree. There's another one, and another one. They lead down to the docks. I feel a flare of panic. Something ravaging our school in the docks. That's when I remember Elsa, maybe the thing took her. She was probably distracted by me. I walk to the docks and put one my hand. That's when I hear her. Sobs. A female definitely, crying. I brace myself before I walk in.

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