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Anna's POV

Saturday, the day everybody loves and the day Elsa's actually going to hang out with me. I sent a letter to Elsa on Friday using my barn owl-Galixta. I still remember what I wrote.

Dear Elsa,

I know its weird sending you a letter instead of talking, but lately you're avoiding everyone like we have a terrible-desisease- disease. Ok...that was a weird simile.Anyway, as your sister I really want to know you better, so can we just....talk or something on Saturday. (The Saturday going to Hogsmeade) Hang out with some of my friends perhaps? Pleaseeeeee, meet me at the Three Broomsticks at 1 o clock, I feel like I'm getting shut out.

Your loving and hopeful sister,


She answered with five words.

I'll pay for the Butterbeers.

I'm nervous, anxious, delighted, ecstatic....My stomach hurts from having too many emotions! Kristoff, Jack and Rapunzel wait for me at the gate, them saying they'll go with me to see Elsa. I link arms with Rapunzel, nod at Jack, smile at Kristoff, and off we go. It's a warm day for September, so I'm debating whether getting warm or frozen Butterbeer.

"Are you sure Elsa really wants to talk to you?" Kristoff asks me. I manage a bright smile.

"Of course! Why wouldn't she....." My voice trails off as Jack looks at me in a meaningful way. Right, she's been shutting me out since last year. Rapunzel gives me a pitiful look which I'm not too fond of and Kristoff raises an eyebrow.

"C'mon lets go," I say and our pace increases. Kristoff opens the door for me and an explosion of sound hits my ears. Jack taps my shoulder.

"There," He points at a booth in the corner. I have to stand on my tiptoes to see Elsa reading a book. Probably one from our mother. I plop down across from her, Rapunzel next to me and next to her, Kristoff. Jack sits beside Elsa. She looks up from her book and pushes a frozen Butterbeer to me. She finished hers, and it's frozen. One of the few things I know about my sister is that she always takes frozen Butterbeer, even in January.

"Hi," I start awkwardly.

"Hi," She marks her place in her book-The Hobbit- and looks at me cautiously. Her gaze passes to Punzie, Kristoff and Jack. "Are you making me friends?" Something like agitation flickers in her eyes. Kristoff calls Madam Rosmerta to place his order.

"No, they're here if-"

"If things go wrong?" Elsa says loftily. She's usually not like this, something has been bugging her lately.

"Well-yes... But can we talk?" I prompt.

A clouded look covers her eyes. "What's there to talk about?"

"A lot."

"I don't open myself up to people."

"I'm your sister!"

"I'm really sorry Anna, I should go. This conversation is going nowhe-"

"Go? We just got here! Please Elsa-"

"No. I'm sorry but I really have to go," Elsa stands up and moves past Jack. Flares of pain spark in me. I don't want to lose my sister, no matter how distanced she is. I watch her leave and yank at her book. She drops it and bends down to pick it up. I watch her eyes widen with fear, and she leaves the book on the ground.

"I'm sorry," She says it calmly, but her eyes are avoiding mine and she's biting her lip. We watch as she leaves out the door and Kristoff picks up the book. It's covered in frost. A suspicion is rising in my mind when I hear the sound of footsteps leaving our booth. I watch as Jack dashes out the door.

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