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Elsa's POV

I can't stop thinking about it the next day! We almost kissed...we almost kissed. Is it bad that I kind of wanted it? I don't know anymore! I need some advice, someone who had kissed Jack before...That's a lot of girls actually. I forgot for a second that he was-and still is- a playboy. That turns me off, but I don't know what's different about Jack.

"Hey Elsa!" I turn around warily, almost no one except Jack calls my name, and I know who owns this voice. Vanessa pushes past a bunch of people, true to what I expect of Slytherins.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Heard you and Jack in my common room a few nights ago," She starts. "It didn't sound like teaching to me."

"Well it was," I say. But doubts are running through my mind. What is she going to say about that? Please nothing too embarrassing! I stiffen when she puts an arm over my shoulders and hunches so no one will hear.

"I need to tell you darling. I need to warn you. Jack has impossible expectations for a girl, and dumps his if she doesn't match up to them, which is all the time. So beware of getting your heart broken," Vanessa's perfume is making me disoriented, so I have nothing to say except for backing away from her.

"Ta, ta!" Vanessa struts away. I watch her leave, more confused than ever. I look at my watch. 2:30. I'm half an hour late for Jack! I run down to the lake to find him arguing with Vanessa. He runs a hand through his hair. I debate with myself before eavesdropping.

"....you it's just teaching! No strings attached and all that stuff Vanessa! Elsa doesn't matter to me in that way! She's just someone to give me passing grades!" Jack tells her. I bite my lip, I'm not sad, and I'm not going to cry. I'm just...angry? Something around that. He used me and pretended like he wanted to get to know me....to kiss me. I let in a deep breath, walk away and don't look back.

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The next day, Jack catches me. "Where were you yesterday?"

"Professor Rose wanted to talk to me. I'm sorry if I can't see you every day Jack," I reply coldly.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," He comments. I remember his conversation with Vanessa and flick a strand of hair out of my eyes.

"Maybe. Or maybe you're just seeing me in a different way now," I say, getting a better grip on my books.

"No, you're just acting weird," He raises an eyebrow. "What's wrong?" What's wrong? What's wrong? Those words echo in my head.

"I'm not acting. I'm just...me. I'm sorry if you don't like that, or me. And if you don't like that then get someone else to teach you," My voice thaws a tiny bit and I walk a bit faster. When was there hope that someone ever liked me? I'm pretty sure I'm losing Anna too.

"Like who? Elsa, sorry. But who else could teach me that's as amazing as you?" Jack's voice is soft and he catches my eye.

"I don't know. You'll find someone, after all you got almost everyone at your feet," I realize how furious I am with him and take off. Or am I jealous? Jack has it all, he's got friends, money, relationships that work. I may be richer than him, but I would give away my money to has what he has; security by his friends and family. Friendships. The ability to avoid fear, the ability to actually make skin contact. I'm aware of Jack still next to me, and I say it.


"It's okay. But do you really want to stop teaching me?"



"7:00 PM library. I have to go," I say curtly. Then I leave.

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