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Jack's POV

I'm usually confident and cocky and all that stuff. But with Elsa staring at me I don't know how to feel. The only thing I notice is the colour of Elsa's eyes. Hers are ice; mine are waterfalls; both blue but unique. Maybe that's why I've always hated those girls in flocks. Sure, they can be their own person, but decide to become one with the other girls. Same mind, same way of dressing. But Elsa goes out of her way to not be like those girls. I smile, finally figuring out one of those things that intrigue me about Elsa.

Elsa's POV

He. Saw. Everything. The snow part, and he listened to me sing. I try to make sure no one can hear me sing, singing draws attention after all, but then again: didn't I get attention by not wearing a bun?

"How long were you there?" I ask, panic flaring inside of me. If my secret was ever found out...I can't even imagine.

"I saw the whole thing," Jack walks up to me and holds out my quill. "Here." I take it, wary. He'll probably tell everyone. It couldn't be the quiet boy in Ravenclaw, it had to be freaking Jack Frost! The most popular boy in Hogwarts.

I swallow. "Thanks. So the snowflake....you know how that happened?" Please let him be dumb! Please!

"That's why you shut yourself out-and why you wear gloves," Jack takes a tiny step closer to me. "You don't have to be so afraid." I almost laugh in derision. What does he know about this type of stuff?

"Yeah, because I'll show the whole student body I have powers," I try to sound confident, but my voice shakes. Jack smirks at me.

"I won't tell," He says. I almost hug him before he says the next few lines: "But for a price." Oh no, oh no. I'll have to do this, otherwise hell will break loose on me.

"Better be reasonable," I reply cautiously.

"You have to help me study past OWL year. I need good grades," Jack's even closer now. I take a few steps back nervously.

"That's good," I'm relieved.

"But..." Oh crap. "I get to spend time with you. Actual time, not arguing and you pushing me out." Jack raises an eyebrow. "Deal?"

I stare self-consciously at my shoes. "Why do you want to know me?" I ask.

"You're different then some girls, so I need to know how girls like you work," Jack winks. I roll my eyes, I should have known.

I hesitate before replying, "Deal."

Three days later...

I leave Ravenclaw tower and meet Jack by the lake. We sit under a tree and I pull out my books. He takes out his timetable for me to see.

"Start from the top?" He asks. I nod. History of Magic first. Most people hate it, but for me it's easy.

"The Giant Wars. It was basically when Wizards were most violent and the Giants were too close to the wizards. So a few battles started," I begin.

"I could imagine," Jack mutters. I resist a smile and put the text book on his lap.

The lesson went on until I had to go to COMC with Quasi. "Finish tonight at the library?" I ask Jack as we get ready to leave.

"Nah, let's go to Slytherin common room," Jack says. "Don't worry, Slytherin boys often bring Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw girls in to..."

"Yeah, I get the picture," I snap. My cheeks slowly turn red. "Fine."

Jack gives me a mischievous grin and runs off, leaving me to feel VERY uncertain about this.

That night....

Jack's POV

Elsa sits on the edge of my bed, face red. But since she's Ravenclaw, her curiosity causes her to look around. Flynn said he'd give us privacy to study. Which leaves too many things to the imagination. I know that Elsa is too sensible for that type of stuff, let alone a hug.

"Ready?" She asks.

I sit behind her. "Just talk, I'll listen. Don't worry," I reassure. She gives me a strange look and begins telling me things in a way more fascinating way than Professor Sourball. When she's relaxed I start massaging her back. At first she stiffens, but she relaxes and keeps teaching. I actually listen, and learn stuff. The sessions interrupted when Elsa lets out a moan of delight when I rub an especially sore place.

"Sorry...it's just that....where was I?" Elsa says.

"The Giant's preparing their stronghold," I answer and rub that spot again. I see something that makes me feel like one goal is achieved: Elsa smiling at something I did, and not because I fell off a boat. After a while Elsa can't focus.

"Jack, we should just do teaching side to side. Not massaging," Elsa's face flushes a tiny bit.

I shrug. "No problem." After a half hour, Elsa decides to leave.

"Thanks," I help her pack up the books.

"Well, thank you for not saying anything yet," Elsa smiles politely, then she does something I don't expect. She holds her hand out to shake. Sure she has gloves on, but she doesn't touch human beings usually. I shake.

"How was the massage?" I ask. She looks down to the floor and back up to me. A real smile makes its way to her lips-even if it's tiny.

"Pretty good actually," She admits.

"Well tell me if you need a massage anytime," I smirk, letting a bit of my ego come out. Elsa rolls her eyes.

"Goodnight Jack," She says before leaving.

"'night," I reply.

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