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Elsa's POV

I cry, rocking back and forth in a boat in the boathouse. Sometimes I sit here and watch the water or the birds. Now I just want the boat to float me away. Somewhere else. Mom, I'm scared. Oh god, I'm scared. I think. She died when I was 8, it was an accident. Since then my father had grown stern and cold. But he misses her, I miss her. I wipe a tear off my face and my hand brushes the water. A thin layer of ice grows on the surface. It doesn't spread though. More fear-that's what I needed. I try to stop the tears, to calm down; but more tears fall down. Cold ones...like ice.

"Hello?" Jack! I still sit in the boat, crying. Who cares about him? I lean my head against the rim of the boat. It gets covered in soft snow. Great! I wipe the snow off as Jack enters the boathouse. I stay in the boat, head down. Please don't notice me, please don't.

"Elsa?" I sniffle and breathe out.

"Leave me alone," I reply. A tear falls out. The next part comes out as a whisper. "Please, goddamn it Jack! Please." I bury my face in my knees. Protecting people, that's what I do right? By not letting people close to me....the problem is that I'm hurting myself doing this. I realize this endless game. I'm going to get hurt so much I'll become a shell. The outside's here, but I won't.

"C'mon, what's wrong?" He ignores me, of course. I start crying harder. I want to die....I want to die.....just let my hell be over. I can't really talk to anyone. Not Anna, Dad, Milo, Rapunzel, Jack...

"My life," I say bitterly. I realize I've stopped crying when I admitted I wanted to die. Oh no. I'm hollow, letting it happen. Jack jumps onto the boat across from me, causing it to wobble. I place my elbows on each side and bury my face in my hands. "My own sister doesn't know I wake up in hell every day!" I tell him.

"So why did you tell me?" Jack asks. I look up at him, confused.

"I-because-because you're the only one trying to get to know me," I stammer. "There's not a lot of good about me. So don't waste your time." Jack arches an eyebrow and moves a bit closer. The boat shakes. Silence. It makes me uneasy that he has nothing to say.

Finally, he talks. "Do you need help? Like what is it called-those Muggle people-a therapist?" Jack looks barely concerned as he says it. I shake my head.

"I've tried....it didn't end well," Ice started to crawl up the wall in the therapist's office, but I'm not going to say that. I realize I can't stay here any longer, I just need to get away from this; with the help of a book. Jack's prodding into my life, and that can't happen, so I need to get away from him. Unfortunately, I left my book bag in Ravenclaw tower. I stand up, and the boat wobbles so much I almost fall over.

"Okay, here," Jack stands up also and this time the boat shakes so much I fall in the water. Cold, it's cold. Which is surprising since I don't get cold easily. I don't even know what's in this water. It might be super dirty. Jack supresses a laugh and he comes over to help. That's when I realize I'm not an empty shell yet. I push the boat over. With a splash, Jack falls in. I laugh, and the sound makes me freeze. I haven't laughed in almost two years. Jack looks just as surprised as I feel.

"Hey Elsa," He swims a bit closer. I back up, no contact, no contact. I need to get out of here. I let Jack know too much, so let's hope he can forget this. I see the ladders leading up from the water to the ground. I climb up them and I realize a weight has been removed from my head. I feel my hair and it's in a French braid-which is needed to start my bun- my eyes widen. I'm trying not to stand out-or be the good girl- and then I get a new look! Jack's staring at me.

I dry myself off with my wand. "It's rude to stare. And I'm going," Jack scrambles to catch up to me. "What do you want?" I ask him.

"Just to know you. I want to help you Elsa, but you keep shutting me out! And you also do that to everyone else! Why?"

"I have my reasons," I feel like he stabbed me. It hurts. I turn to go, I never said that I wanted this!

"Wanted what?" Jack runs up to me and dries himself off. I realize that I said the last part out loud.

"Nothing," I try to lock my secrets away, but it's too late. The storm outside grows stronger.

"Tell me. Or at the very least, tell Anna."

"I'm just trying to protect you, okay! Just let me shut you out and be happy!" I'm on the verge of tears again, but I stay strong. I'm not really protecting them from this storm-am I?

"Well.... Are you happy like this?" Jack's voice is soft. "To stay away from people and barely talk to them for no reason? Are you?"

"No. But when did anyone care about what I want?" I'm not being bitter or melodramatic. It's the truth. I turn to leave him there.

"I do," Jack says. I give him a look and start running.

Jack's POV

It's going to be really hard to get Elsa to like me. Plus, I'm not sure if she trusts me.

"So much for being great at wooing women," I tell myself. Sometimes I question if Elsa's worth it. But when she took out that bun....she was always pretty but she looked beautiful then. But the past is in the past, and I'm focusing on one thing:

What's her secret?

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