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Jack's POV

I can't breathe. The familiar handwriting on the parchment makes my heart leap to my throat. Why did she write to me? My index finger traces the perfect handwriting. One of my hands goes through my hair, the other firmly holding onto the letter. Wanting to read this in privacy, I leave the breakfast table and go to one of my secret hiding spots. It's behind a dull mirror, and the furniture I put in there is comfy. Forcing down a swallow of anxiety, I light candles in there and sink into a soft chair.

Dear Jack,

I'm not sure why I'm writing this to you, it'll make everything so much more damn complicated. I honestly need to tell you this, though. You know how hard this is for me, and you know I haven't forgave you yet. And if you think that I do, you have another thing coming. Okay, I'll stop dragging this out.

First and foremost: I still love you.


I know this sounds crazy, but I still do. Because of said emotions towards you, I'm stuck in this ridiculous dance with you. Going back and forth is exhausting, but I'm still dancing with you. You know why, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be with you for a while. Whether this is a waltz or a tango, I'm willing to play this with you. But...I'm not going to be with you. There's a few issues:

Number one: It's a matter of trust. I just...I can't trust you anymore. Don't take this personally, (although you're free to. You did hurt me really bad.) but if we do get together again, I'll always be suspicious, I could never open up to you. I'm sorry for that, and this may be confusing, but: If we did fall back into each other again, it would never work. I'm probably repeating myself, but repetition is essential to get one to understand. My walls are back up, but not to protect others, the walls shield me. You were my first relationship and getting hurt was a feeling I wasn't used to. So for that, I'm hurt beyond words. Getting together would hurt both of us. And if I've ever learned anything in our relationship it's this:

If you do love someone, you would give up everything for them. Not just your heart and soul or whatever, but you would do what's good for them. I wasn't sure if you ever did love me-

Oh, Elsa. So insecure, so doubtful. I do still love you, but I'm not sure how to show you. Then again, I have to get rid of all this drama. By going back to my old ways.

...did love me, but if you do, you know that you have to let me go. See, the thing I learned is that actual love is doing what benefits the other. For example, those bunch of girls who scream and gush about Justin Bieber (search him up) about him giving them babies, they don't really love him. If they did, they would be content with him being happy with someone else. Why?Because he's happy. If they did birth his child, he would get hated everywhere. Bieber would get blamed of pedophilia and his life after would be a living hell. So this is what I'll do about us: I'm letting you go. I understand you don't like getting tied down, you're a free spirit. Therefore...well, I'm saying goodbye. I really don't like your "playboy, arrogant" persona, but hey, it works for you, right?

Always putting other people's needs in front of her own.

Secondly, I don't want to get in another relationship for a while. Due to the "incident" at the dance, it will really just attract too much attention. And I've had enough to last for a life time. It's really not you're fault, I'm just so insecure about this. And after all, you do know that insecurity is probably my second worst enemy. At least I hope you know, you were actually paying attention to me, right? See? I'm so insecure!

And lastly, the most cliche line of all: I don't deserve you.

Sounds like a break up line.

Yeah, I said it. Or wrote it. The past few weeks...they've been amazing. Until...well...y'know. Around that nice little period though, I always was over analyzing things. No, not about you, but about us; mainly me. See, you did all the effort to keep us together, you planned everything, you did what I wanted. (Mostly) Heck, you even brought up your grades to impress me. What did I do? Well...nothing. I let you love me, and I loved you. But I never actually did anything to help us. See? I'm pushing you away right now.

Elsa don't think like that.

So thank you, really. You changed me, for good. What did Elphaba and Glinda say?

"Because I knew you, I have been changed for good?" Something like that. That's true.

Just remember that I still care. Even from afar.



What do I do now? Go back? I'm not sure that I can go back to my cocky façade. Elsa changed me and revealed the better parts in me I couldn't find. With a sigh, I go to my first class.

Anna's POV

"You've got to be kidding me. Why should I tell you where our summer home is?" I glare at Jack. "Elsa would kill me. And you. Plus, freezing to death doesn't sound fun."

Jack fumbles for something then pulls out a letter. As I grab it, I think of yesterday, me handing him the letter. Déjà vu. When I read through the letter, I feel karma hitting me. Poor Elsa...So what should I do? The shielded hope and disappointment in his eyes confuse me even more. Should I tell him or not?

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