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Anna's POV

The castle is in complete madness. People are screaming, running around. Kristoff stands protectively next to me as we make our way to the Great Hall, where Elphaba told everyone to meet.

"Elsa! Elsa?" I try vainly to look for my sister, but she's nowhere to be found. "Elsa!" The people behind me push me forwards and I stumble. Kristoff catches me, his eyes scanning the crowd.

"Are you alright?" He asks gently. My heart pounds a little faster-but for what reason?

"Yes. Thank you," I reply. Still searching the crowd, I find Astrid. Her stormy eyes meet mine and she pushes herself up to us.

"Where is everyone?" Is the first thing I ask.

Worry sparks in her eyes. "You don't know?"


"Great, just great," She mumbles.

The three of us get shoved into the Great Hall and a pair of arms wrap immediately around me. The familiar scent of winter reaches my nose and I hug her just as tight.

"Anna!" Elsa's smile of relief is in her voice.

"Hi," I reply, so happy to see my sister. She releases me and smiles at Astrid and Kristoff.

Elsa drags me to the Ravenclaw table where everyone else is. As expected, she sits beside Jack and Merida. Kristoff, Astrid, and I manage to squish our way in. We sit for a few minutes in silence while the Hall gets filled. I smile at Elsa leaning against Jack, both of their eyes closed. Their so cute! I'm happy whenever Elsa's happy, but I can tell by the way she's worrying her bottom lip that she's scared or nervous.

"Students!" Elphaba yells when everyone is silent. Behind is...Fiyero? Murmurs make their way through the hall and Elphaba rolls her eyes. "Fiyero has told me that Pitch Black is heading for the school right now! You all need to find a place of safety with a supervisor. All security protocols will be placed. Please follow your Head of House to the Slytherin dungeons. There is a water passageway that runs under the Great Lake that leads you to the safety of the mountains! Elsa, Sandy, I need to talk to you. That is all." The students immediately follow action as Elsa makes her way to the front. On impulse I grab her hand and go with her. One of her eyebrows lift up but she doesn't question it.

"Elsa, I need to use your ice castle if that is okay," Elphaba notices me but doesn't say anything of it.

"Only if I can come...and my friends if they want to," Elsa and Glinda exchange a glance. What is this about?

A pregnant pause. "Very well, but you do know that you are risking your lives," Elphaba looks at Sandy. "Use your powers if you come." She then turns to Fiyero and we go back.

Elsa explains the whole thing to the gang and then hesitantly asks: "You guys want to fight?"

"We're sticking with you Elsa," Punzie and I say at the same time.

"Like glue," Jack adds. Flynn rolls his eyes.

"Because nothing ever shakes off glue," He says sarcastically. All of us glare at him and he seems to shrink.

"Let's go to the ice castle," Hiccup breaks the awkward silence.

Kristoff nods and we all go, following Flynn and Elsa.

Elsa's POV

Elphaba is going to kill me and Glinda. We're going to keep her alive to do it too. No one wants Elphaba to die, and we sure as hell don't want her to. I don't want anyone to die. As we start going into the castle, I start picturing everyone's bodies lying scattered across the ground. Punzie wrapped in her hair, one last smile on Flynn's face, Hiccup and Merida holding hands, Astrid still being tough dead, Kristoff smiling sadly, Jack and Anna...oh god. Dear god, no.

"Jack, Anna, can we talk?" I ask them. Both nod instantly as I lead them upstairs.

"What's wrong?" Anna says.

"It's just...I don't want you to die. Anyone. I don't want you guys to fight with me, I just want to make sure you're safe. I can't stand it..." A few tears fall down my cheeks. Not doing what I expect, Jack grips my shoulders tightly.

"I would rather go with you than be stuck waiting for you. How do you think Anna and I would feel if you died today? It's 100 times worse waiting. We're. Going. Elsa, we have to if you do," He's nearly shouting. I stare at him as Anna nods.

"Okay," My voice is a whisper, barely heard but still reaching everyone's ears in the room. "Okay." My powers leak out a bit and the floor grows bigger. Anna and Jack stare at each other before Anna sighs.

"I guess I'll leave you two lovebirds some time alone," She winks as I blush despite the situation at hand. Jack gives me a smile as Anna closes the door. Then he opens my mouth and I grin back.

Every moment
As long as you're mine

I sing with him.

I'll wake up my body
And make up for lost time

I quiet as Jack sings the next part.
Say there's no future
For us as a pair

Both of us grip hands as we empty our emotions into a song

And though I may know
I don't care
Just for this moment
As long as you're mine
Come be how you want to
And see how bright we shine

Borrow the moonlight
Until it is through
And know I'll be here
Holding you

As long as you're mine...

Then I lean in and he does too. We kiss, and my eyes flutter close.

"I'll always be yours, Elsa," Jack whispers.

"And I, you," I reply. We stay like that, holding onto whatever we hoped we would have after the fight. Then the doors open on the first floor and we scramble downstairs. Elphaba, Glinda, Fiyero, and Nessa are there.

"He-" Elphaba starts when a large boom is heard.

Fiyero casts a Disillusionment charm on the castle with Nessa.

Merida voices what everyone is thinking. "Things are going to get interesting."

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