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Jack's POV

I almost fall asleep during A History of Magic. Professor Sourball just drones on and on. I look at Anna and we exchange an eye roll. So tired.....After class, Anna, Flynn, Merida and I walk to our classes.

"It's beyond me how Elsa can get good grades in that class," Anna says. Merida laughs.

"She talks to you?" Flynn asks, "That's a first." I don't want to talk about Elsa right now, but I was always good at masking how I felt.

Anna's face begins to fall. "No, but believe it or not, we used to be really close. But one day...she just shut me out...." She attempts a smile. "Can we talk about something else?" I nod, grateful of the switch of topic.

"Yeah, did you see your sister's new hair?" Merida nudges Anna with her elbow. "Don't worry lass, she'll loosen up one day." For some reason I think about Elsa crying on the boat yesterday. She didn't shut herself out until the end of our chat.

"Cat got your tongue Jack?" Merida prompts me back to the present. "You probably would have said something sarcastic by now." I realize they're all staring at me.

"Just trying to imagine what her hair looks like now. An afro or something?" I manage, honestly my mind is elsewhere. Secrets...what secrets could Elsa have? The ideas are limitless. Lost love? Something about her looks? Disease? Or something darker...I hear the quiet "excuse me" and move out of the way absentmindedly. It's Elsa with her hair still in a braid. She has gloves on, but its progress.

"Braids are far from an afro," Flynn mutters.

"I'm only human!" I protest. Anna punches me lightly on the arm.

"We're going to be late for class!" She grumbles. About two seconds after that she pushes past people to get to Astronomy. One of these peoples is Elsa. I- me being the womanizer, polite, handsome, modest me- catch her. She gets up and looks at me.

"Thanks," She says.

I wink at her. "No problem," That's when I realize how close we are to each other. "Elsa..." She pushes away from me.

"Anna's right, we're late for Potions," She leaves me standing there, words bubbling in my head. That's when I start running after her to the dungeons. I sit next to Astrid and Milo at the back. Professor Frollo drawls on about the Draught of Peace. He writes the instructions on the board and we get started.

"Keep in mind that this is an incrediably complex potion and you must not put in too much of an ingredient, otherwise there will be drasticconsequences. To make sure you dolts do it right, I'll give you some incentive. You'll have a partner to taste it after this class," Frollo narrows his eyes. I swallow, I'll do my best. "Partners are Flynn and Kida, Jasmine and Astrid, Milo and Hans, Elsa and Jack...." Elsa looks at me and I smirk. She shakes her head and turns away. I'll have to be careful or who knows what will happen to Elsa? I put in tiny bits of powdered moonstone being very careful. Flynn just dumped it all in and the potion turned red instead of green. I stop when it becomes a Slytherin green.

"This-is-really-hard," Astrid mutters through gritted teeth. She's stirring her potion but it refuses to turn blue. I snatch a glance at Elsa. Her potions a perfect blue. I stir a bit impatiently. The blues not perfect a shade too dark, but I think its good enough. After potion making I look at Elsa's. It's emitting a silver vapour as promised. Mine's a bit darker. We take a small scoop of the others.

"On three?" I ask. Elsa nods and we drink the potions. I feel relaxed so the potion did its job.

"How are you?" I ask her.

"Fine. Still a bit of worry in my head, but fine," Elsa mutters. She plays with the end of her braid and catches me looking at her. She blushes the tiniest bit but her eyebrows narrow slightly.

"Don't look at me like that," Her eyes pierce mine. "Honestly, don't. It's just going to blow back in your face later." Her eyes travel to the ground. I put my hands up in a mock surrender.

"Sorry, but I'll take my chances," I say.

"Can't you listen to people for once?"

"Not my nature."

"Well go change it. You're probably not going to listen to what I'm saying, are you?" Elsa groans.




"...." I keep staring at Elsa while the silence between us continues. She stares at the potions bubbling, trying to ignore me.

"That's the bell," Elsa says once it rings. She leaves in a rush, leaving her quill. I pick it up and follow her. Free period, so I won't miss class. I follow her outside, back down to Quasimodo's cabin. She checks if no one's around and I duck behind a tree. That's when I hear it, clear and beautiful. Elsa singing.

Something has changed within me
Something is not the same
I'm through with playing by the rules
Of someone else's game
Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes and leap!

It's time to try
Defying gravity
I think I'll try
Defying gravity
And you can't pull me down!

I'm through accepting limits
'cause someone says they're so
Some things I cannot change
But till I try, I'll never know!
Too long I've been afraid of
Losing love I guess I've lost
Well, if that's love
It comes at much too high a cost!
I'd sooner buy
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I'm defying gravity
And you can't pull me down

A giant snowflake grows above Elsa and then explodes into smaller snowflakes. Wow. I'm shocked by her voice...but where did the snowflake come from? I have my suspicions, but only Elsa can confirm them. So I step out of cover and clear my throat. She turns and we lock eyes.

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