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Elsa's POV

My hand slowly pulls back a loose strand of hair, I'm crying so hard I can't see. She's not moving. My sisters not moving!

"Anna?" I ask uselessly. "Anna, get up...Please wake up! Please...I can't live without you, you can't leave everyone like this! You can't!" Unable to tear my eyes away from her face, I keep talking to her. "You can't be dead. You're not dead because of me! Anna, wake up! You just can't...not because of me. Not because of me." Guilt slams into me, suffocating me. That's when I can tear my eyes away: when Kristoff sits down next to me and looks at Anna. His eyes are wide, his mouth open. He tries to say something, but can't speak. I can't speak now, remembering what Anna said to me, I close my eyes shut.


There's a knock on my door. Anna's back from my mother's funeral. I wish I could have gone, but my Dad didn't want me to go. He locked me in my room, saying that I couldn't attend because I really didn't care about her anyway. What a lie.

Elsa, please I know you're in there
People are asking where you've been
They say, "Have courage," and I'm trying to
I'm right out here for you
Just let me in

Leaning against the door, I listen to the sadness and hope in her voice.

We only have each other
It's just you and me
What are we gonna do?

Sliding to the floor, I curl up and tilt my head closer to the door.

Do you wanna build a snowman?

I start crying and ice spreads through my room. Snowflakes are frozen in the air. Wishing with all my heart to go out there, I stay in. Grief hangs in the air behind the door. About five minutes later, there's a sigh, some shuffling, and I hear Anna leave.

When she was asleep, I made brownies for her and placed them outside of her door. A note is under the plate reading:

From: Elsa

To: Anna

Remember, I love you

End flashback

I'm not sure when I touched Kristoff's arm, but he looks at me expectantly. My voice is going to sound raspy, but I sing.

"Yes I wanna build a snowman...
I'm sorry that it took so long...
I didn't know I needed you...I really do...

Forcing myself to continue, I take a shaky breath.

and now you're gone...
please...just ask me once more...

just one more time...I promise I'll open the door

I choke back a sob and watch Anna's face. Right now I can see her, with her pigtails bouncing up and down as she drags me out to the snow.

...yes I wanna build a snowman..."

Dead silence fills the air. I'm beyond words now, I can barely see through my tears.

"Anna, I'm so stupid...I-I never told you I loved you...why'd you leave now? Anna...I love you," He says. I curl up against Kristoff to cry, because he understands this. He will miss Anna as much I will. Jack doesn't take offense though, instead he goes over to Anna and takes the locket off. Rapunzel looks at it curiously.

"Um...what is that?" She looks at me and Kristoff. Jack explains to her in hushed tones. At least I think, there's an odd ringing in my ears.

"Well then," Punzie looks at Anna's body and she sniffs. "Alohomora." Tempted, I turn Kristoff around to look. A golden light floats in the air in the shape of a sun-then goes straight into Punzie's chest. Surprised, she falls backwards. Quickly, I create a giant, soft, snow pile for her to fall into. That's when I notice her long, blonde, hair is growing. And glowing.

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